Life sciences writer Susan Milius has been writing about botany, zoology and ecology for Science News since the last millennium. She worked at diverse publications before breaking into science writing and editing. After stints on the staffs of The Scientist, Science, International Wildlife and United Press International, she joined Science News. Three of Susan's articles have been selected to appear in editions of The Best American Science Writing.

All Stories by Susan Milius

  1. Plants

    How female ferns make younger neighbors male

    Precocious female ferns release a partly formed sexual-identity hormone, and nearby laggards finish it and go masculine.

  2. Animals

    Hearing awful or great singing changes birds’ choice

    A male bird’s serenade inspires reactions that depend on the quality of songs a female has been listening to.

  3. Paleontology

    Extinct giant kangaroos tiptoed one leg at a time

    Stiff spines, flared hips and other fossil clues suggest extinct, refrigerator-sized kangaroos stepped one hind leg at a time instead of hopping.

  4. Animals

    Rattlesnakes tutor robot on dune climbing

    Snakes sidewinding up sand inspire design improvements for robots navigating treacherous slopes.

  5. Animals

    Baby fish are noisier than expected

    Gray snapper larvae may be able to communicate in open water using tiny knocks and growls.

  6. Life

    Fledgling birds change rules for caterpillar color

    An unusual experiment shows that larvae lose the advantage of warning colors during the seasonal flush of naïve predators.

  7. Animals

    Sneaky little giraffe weevils beat big rivals

    A little stealth gives smaller giraffe weevil males a leg up when competing with big ones for mates.

  8. Plants

    Borrowed genes raise hopes for fixing “slow and confused” plant enzyme

    Inserting some bacterial Rubisco chemistry into a plant might one day boost photosynthesis and help raise crop yields.

  9. Paleontology

    Lost-and-found dinosaur thrived in water

    Fossils pieced together through ridiculous luck reveal Spinosaurus to be the only known dinosaur adapted for regular ventures into water.

  10. Life

    North American bird update finds a little good news

    Conservation measures have succeeded in improving the plight of certain North American bird species, but overall the national report card says “needs improvement.”

  11. Animals

    Mystery mushroomlike sea creatures get names

    Specimens of a mushroomlike animal from the sea now have a scientific name, but researchers aren’t sure what kind of animal they are.

  12. Animals

    Archerfish mouth is the secret of precision spit

    Trained fish shoot down two hypotheses for their fine spit control but reveal fancy mouth work.