Life sciences writer Susan Milius has been writing about botany, zoology and ecology for Science News since the last millennium. She worked at diverse publications before breaking into science writing and editing. After stints on the staffs of The Scientist, Science, International Wildlife and United Press International, she joined Science News. Three of Susan's articles have been selected to appear in editions of The Best American Science Writing.

All Stories by Susan Milius

  1. Animals

    Costly Sexiness: All that flash puts birds at extra risk

    Distinctive his-and-her plumages increase the chance that a bird species will go extinct locally, according to an unusually far-ranging study.

  2. Plants

    Team corners culprit in sudden oak death

    After 5 years of mystery, California pathologists announced they may have identified the cause of a new tree disease called sudden oak death.

  3. Animals

    Careful Coots: Do birds count their eggs before they hatch?

    A coot may tally the eggs in her nest, a rare example of an animal counting in the wild, suggests a new study.

  4. Animals

    Secret Signal: Fish allurement that predators don’t see

    In a rare demonstration of secret messaging in animals, a swordtail fish uses ultraviolet courtship signals that are invisible to a predator.

  5. Animals

    At last, a bird that nails killer chicks

    For the first time, researchers have found a bird species—Australia's superb fairy-wren—that reacts when all its own chicks disappear and a giant imposter takes their place.

  6. After West Nile Virus

    As biologists try to estimate the impact of West Nile virus on wildlife, it's not the famously susceptible crows that are causing alarm but much rarer species.

  7. Humans

    When Biologists Get Bombed

    Or shot at by soldiers. This isn't textbook conservation science.

  8. Animals

    Techno Crow: Do birds build up better tool designs?

    Researchers surveying tool use by New Caledonian crows propose that the birds may be the first animals besides people shown to ratchet up the sophistication of their technology by sharing design improvements.

  9. Animals

    Ants lurk for bees, but bees see ambush

    A tropical ant has perfected the un-antlike behavior of hunting by ambush, but its prey, a sweat bee, has developed some tricks of its own.

  10. Animals

    Fish That Decorate: Females prefer nests with pizzazz

    If scientists give foil strips to male stickleback fish, the fellows carry them back to their nests for decoration, and it turns out that females seem to like guys with lots of shiny stuff.

  11. Animals

    Vampire bats don’t learn from bad lunch

    For the first time, a mammal has flunked a controlled test for developing a food aversion after getting sick just once, and that unusual creature is the common vampire bat.

  12. Wasps: Mom doesn’t like you best

    Female wasps that found a colony together show no favoritism toward their own offspring when the adults feed larvae.