Life sciences writer Susan Milius has been writing about botany, zoology and ecology for Science News since the last millennium. She worked at diverse publications before breaking into science writing and editing. After stints on the staffs of The Scientist, Science, International Wildlife and United Press International, she joined Science News. Three of Susan's articles have been selected to appear in editions of The Best American Science Writing.

All Stories by Susan Milius

  1. Animals

    In cadaver caves, baby beetles grow better with parental goo

    A dead mouse — with the right microbial treatment from beetle parents — becomes a much better nursery than your average carcass.

  2. Animals

    How nectar bats fly nowhere

    Exquisitely sensitive tech makes first direct measurements of the forces of bat wingbeats.

  3. Animals

    What bees did during the Great American Eclipse

    A rare study of bees during a total solar eclipse finds that the insects buzzed around as usual — until totality.

  4. Life

    Lemur study suggests why some fruits smell so fruity

    A new test with lemurs and birds suggests there’s more to fruit odors than simple ripening.

  5. Animals

    Feral cats appear to be pathetic at controlling New York City’s rats

    When cats are on the prowl, rats may become harder to see, but roaming cats actually killed only a few.

  6. Animals

    Jenny Tung wants to know how social stresses mess with genes

    Evolutionary anthropologist Jenny Tung is untangling the many health effects of life as a social animal.

  7. Agriculture

    Can science build a better burger?

    Researchers hope to replace whole animal agriculture and feed the world with lab-made meats or plants.

  8. Animals

    These songbirds violently fling and then impale their prey

    A loggerhead shrike that skewers small animals on barbed wire gives mice whiplash shakeups.

  9. Climate

    As temperatures rise, so do insects’ appetites for corn, rice and wheat

    Hotter, hungrier pests likely to do 10 percent to 25 percent more damage to grains for each warmer degree.

  10. Animals

    This killifish can go from egg to sex in two weeks

    The fastest known maturing vertebrate in the lab is even faster in the wild.

  11. Animals

    With one island’s losses, the king penguin species shrinks by a third

    Once home to the largest known colony of king penguins, Île aux Cochons has lost most of its birds for unknown reason.

  12. Microbes

    How a slime mold near death packs bacteria to feed the next generation

    Social amoebas that farm bacteria for food use proteins to preserve the crop for their offspring.