Life sciences writer Susan Milius has been writing about botany, zoology and ecology for Science News since the last millennium. She worked at diverse publications before breaking into science writing and editing. After stints on the staffs of The Scientist, Science, International Wildlife and United Press International, she joined Science News. Three of Susan's articles have been selected to appear in editions of The Best American Science Writing.

All Stories by Susan Milius

  1. Animals

    Dangerous Times: Guppies don’t follow rules for old age

    A study of wild guppies suggests that life in a dangerous place does not automatically push evolution toward rapid aging as previously thought.

  2. Animals

    Familiar face calms stressed-out sheep

    The sight of the face of a familiar sheep seems to reduce stress in troubled sheep.

  3. Animals

    When bluebirds fight, bet on the bluest

    The male bluebirds with the bluest (and most ultraviolet) plumage turned out to be the toughest competitors in a study of who won the rights to prime nest boxes.

  4. Plants

    Green Red-Alert: Plant fights invaders with animal-like trick

    Mustard plants' immune systems can react to traces of bacteria with a burst of nitric oxide, much as an animal's immune system does.

  5. Animals

    Will Mr. Bowerbird Fall for a Robot?

    Push a button and she turns her head. But can she turn his?

  6. Ecosystems

    Fly may be depleting U.S. giant silk moths

    A parasitic fly introduced to fight gypsy moths starting in 1906 may be an overlooked factor in the declines of giant silk moths.

  7. A.M. and P.M. Clocks: Fruit fly brain has double timekeepers

    Two research teams have pinpointed one group of fly-brain neurons keeping time for morning activity and a different neuron group performing the same function for evening activity.

  8. Animals

    Separate Vacations: Birds winter apart but return in sync

    Mated pairs of black-tailed godwits may fly off to winter refuges a thousand kilometers apart but can still arrive back at their breeding site the next spring within a few days of each other.

  9. They’re Sequencing a What?

    Announcements of new targets for genome sequencing are bringing celebrity to lesser-known twigs on the tree of life.

  10. Animals

    Beat Goes On: Carp heart keeps pace when fish lacks oxygen

    Without oxygen, a Scandinavian fish not only can survive but also maintains a normal heartbeat for days.

  11. Plants

    Morphinefree Mutant Poppies: Novel plants make pharmaceutical starter

    A Tasmanian company has developed a poppy that produces a commercially useful drug precursor instead of full-fledged morphine, and a research team now reports how the plant does it.

  12. Animals

    Pirates of the Amphibian: Males fertilize eggs of another guy’s gal

    For the first time among amphibians, scientists have found frogs that sneak their sperm onto egg clutches left by another mating pair.