Sujata Gupta is the social sciences writer for Science News. She was a 2017-18 Knight Science Journalism fellow at MIT. Her work has appeared in The New Yorker, Nature, Discover, NPR, Scientific American, and others. Sujata got her start in journalism at a daily newspaper in Central New York, where she covered education and small town politics. She has also worked as a National Park Ranger, completing stints at parks in Hawaii, California and Maine, and taught English in Nagano, Japan.

All Stories by Sujata Gupta

  1. Science & Society

    Parag Pathak uses data and algorithms to make public education fairer

    Economist Parag Pathak has overhauled school choice systems across the United States. Now he’s assessing what makes for a good education.

  2. Humans

    Culture helps shape when babies learn to walk

    The culture in which a baby is raised can accelerate or slow down the development of early motor skills. Does it matter?

  3. Earth

    Climate misinformation may be thriving on YouTube, a social scientist warns

    Analyzing 200 climate-related videos on YouTube shows that a majority challenge widely accepted views about climate change and climate engineering.

  4. Science & Society

    Longer gaps between births can halve infant deaths in developing nations

    Leaving more time between successive pregnancies matters for infant survival, but only in less-developed countries.

  5. Science & Society

    Lost wallets are more likely to be returned if they hold cash

    Worldwide, return rates of lost wallets goes up as the money inside increases, contradicting the idea that people act in their own self-interest.

  6. Science & Society

    How the battle against measles varies around the world

    Measles is a global health threat. Snapshots of several countries show how stopping its spread depends on local conditions and beliefs.

  7. Science & Society

    Facebook data show how many people left Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria

    Conventional surveys can’t track migration after natural disasters in real time. But Facebook data may provide a crude estimate of those who flee.

  8. Humans

    Medicaid expansion may help shrink health gaps between black and white babies

    States that expanded Medicaid as part of the Affordable Care Act shrunk racial disparities between black and white infants, a new study shows.

  9. Psychology

    When anxiety happens as early as preschool, treatments can help

    Researchers are seeking ways to break the link between preschool worries and adult anxiety.

  10. Science & Society

    Immigrants pave the way for the gentrification of black neighborhoods

    A study using U.S. census data shows primarily Asian and Hispanic immigrants may trigger gentrification in U.S. neighborhoods.

  11. Science & Society

    Why some low-income neighborhoods are better than others

    Levels of violence, incarceration and lead exposure in a neighborhood can predict a low-income child’s future earnings and outcome, a study suggests.

  12. Psychology

    What we know and don’t know about how mass trauma affects mental health

    Three people connected to mass shootings have recently killed themselves. Here’s what we know, and don’t, about the lingering effects of mass trauma.