Sid Perkins

Sid Perkins is a freelance science writer based in Crossville, Tenn.

All Stories by Sid Perkins

  1. Earth

    Nature’s Own: Ocean yields gases that had seemed humanmade

    Chemical analyses of seawater provide the first direct evidence that the ocean may be a significant source of certain atmospheric gases that scientists had previously assumed to be produced primarily by industrial activity.

  2. Earth

    El Niño: It’s back!

    An increase in ocean temperatures in the central Pacific heralds the onset of El Niño, whose effects should show up in the United States this fall.

  3. Earth

    Long, Dry Spells: Lengthy droughts tied to long-lived La Niñas

    A new study of persistent droughts that occurred in the United States during the past 3 centuries suggests that those dry spells may be associated with prolonged periods when sea-surface temperatures in the central Pacific were cooler than average.

  4. Earth

    West Coast Shimmy: Smack from space triggered landslides along Pacific Coast

    Scientists say they've found the first evidence along the Pacific Coast of massive landslides triggered by the impact from space 65 million years ago that's suspected to have wiped out the dinosaurs.

  5. Earth

    A Stinging Forecast: Model predicts chance of encountering jellyfish

    Weather forecasters usually prognosticate precipitation, pollen, and poor air quality, but in some areas, they could soon provide beachgoers with the probability of confronting a jellyfish.

  6. Paleontology

    Unknown creature made birdlike tracks

    Paleontologists have found a multitude of birdlike footprints left by a yet undiscovered creature in rocks more than 60 million years older than Archaeopteryx, the first bird to have left fossils of its body parts.

  7. Paleontology

    Skimming the Surface: Flying reptile may have scooped its meals

    Fossils unearthed in Brazil strengthen the idea that some species of ancient flying reptiles snatched their meals on the fly, snapping up fish as they swooped low over the water's surface.

  8. Earth

    Crisis on Tap?

    Because people are becoming ever more dependent on underground aquifers as sources of water, scientists are striving to understand better how groundwater systems interact with the water that flows across Earth's surface.

  9. Tech

    Voltage from the Bottom of the Sea: Ooze-dwelling microbes can power electronics

    Some types of bacteria living in seafloor mud can generate enough electricity to power small electronic devices.

  10. Paleontology

    Fossil leaves yield extinction clues

    Analyses of fossil leaves provide more evidence that the mass extinctions that wiped out the dinosaurs 65 million years ago were sudden and probably brought about by an extraterrestrial impact.

  11. Paleontology

    Into the Gap: Fossil find stands on its own four legs

    A fossil originally misidentified as an ancient fish turns out to be the nearly intact remains of a four-limbed creature that lived during an extended period noted for its lack of fossils of land animals.

  12. Paleontology

    Rain Forest Primeval? Colorado fossils show unexpected diversity

    The size, shape, and riotous variety of fossil leaves unearthed at a site in central Colorado suggest that the region may have been covered with one of the world's first tropical rain forests just 1.4 million years after the demise of the dinosaurs.