Sid Perkins

Sid Perkins is a freelance science writer based in Crossville, Tenn.

All Stories by Sid Perkins

  1. Earth

    Wildfires spread across a parched West

    Dozens of lightning-sparked wildfires seared the western United States last week, adding hundreds of thousands of acres of charred terrain to a tally that promises to make this fire season the worst in recent decades.

  2. Earth

    Lack of spring snowpack bodes ill for many

    NASA satellite images released last week confirmed that the northern United States had much less snow cover than normal this spring, following North America's warmest winter on record.

  3. Paleontology

    Family Meal: Cannibal dinosaur known by its bones

    Analyses of the gnaw marks on bones of Majungatholus atopus, a carnivorous dinosaur from Madagascar, indicate that the creatures routinely fed on members of their own species.

  4. Paleontology

    Fossils of early salamanders found

    A recent discovery of fossilized salamanders pushes back a milestone in amphibian evolution by more than 100 million years.

  5. Earth

    Ssshhh! South Pole has a new seismic station

    Seismometers recently installed near the South Pole reveal that the area is the quietest spot on the planet for eavesdropping on earthquakes.

  6. Earth

    Dust up north

    Strong northeasterly winds blowing across coastal regions of southern Alaska recently exposed by melting snow launched massive clouds of dust over the Gulf of Alaska.

  7. Earth

    Newfound gas is greenhouse powerhouse

    Scientists have detected in the atmosphere for the first time a gas that traps heat more effectively than any other previously found there.

  8. Paleontology

    Was T. rex just a big freeloader?

    A new study suggests that an ecosystem like today’s African savanna could provide sufficient carrion to nourish a scavenger the size of a Tyrannosaurus rex.

  9. Earth

    More Arctic clouds may lessen warming

    Nearly 2 decades of satellite observations suggest that an increase in Arctic cloudiness at certain times of the year may partially counteract the effects of global warming in the region.

  10. Earth

    Killer Crater: Shuttle-borne radar detects remnant of dino-killing impact

    Radar images gathered during a flight of the space shuttle Endeavour 3 years ago show the subtle topography related to the impact of an asteroid or comet that may have wiped out the dinosaurs 65 million years ago.

  11. Earth

    Slippin’ Slide: Glaciers surge after ice shelf collapses

    Five of the six large glaciers that once fed into Antarctica's Larsen A ice shelf have sped up significantly since that floating ice mass collapsed and drifted away in January 1995.

  12. Ecosystems

    Spring Forward

    Scientists who study biological responses to seasonal and climatic changes have noted that the annual cycles for many organisms are beginning earlier on average, as global temperatures rise.