Sid Perkins

Sid Perkins is a freelance science writer based in Crossville, Tenn.

All Stories by Sid Perkins

  1. Earth

    Smog chemicals found even in rural western plains

    Analyses of the atmosphere over the south-central United States show that gases emitted from the region's oil and natural gas industries contribute to air pollution—even over remote Kansas cornfields—that can surpass the noxious mix found in urban areas.

  2. Paleontology

    Reptile remains fill in fossil record

    The fossil remains of a sphenodontian, an ancient, lizardlike reptile, are helping fill a 120-million-year-old gap between this creature's ancestors and today's tuatara, sole survivors of the once prominent group.

  3. Earth

    Weekend weather really is different

    Analyses of more than 40 years of weather data from around the world reveal that in some regions the difference between daily high and low temperatures on weekend days varies significantly from that measured on weekdays.

  4. Earth

    Volcanic Legacy: Tortoises chronicle eruption in their genes

    An ancient volcanic eruption in the Galápagos Islands left its legacy in the diminished genetic diversity of one subspecies of the archipelago's famed giant tortoises.

  5. Paleontology

    Some trilobites grew their own eyeshades

    The 380-million-year-old fossil of a trilobite strongly suggests that members of at least some trilobite species were active during the daytime, a lifestyle that scientists previously had only suspected.

  6. Earth

    On Thinning Ice

    Although some of Earth's glaciers seem to be holding their own in the face of global warming, most of them are on the decline, many of them significantly.

  7. Paleontology

    Ratzilla: Extinct rodent was big, really big

    Scientists who've analyzed the fossilized remains of an extinct South American rodent say that the creatures grew to weigh a whopping 700 kilograms.

  8. Earth

    The Making of a Grand Canyon

    Carving this beloved hole in the ground may not have been such a long-term project.

  9. Earth

    Model offers grounds for midwestern quakes

    A new computer model may help explain how earthquakes can happen at fault zones located far from the edges of a tectonic plate.

  10. Earth

    River Stats Trickle In: Major floods may be waning in Europe

    A new analysis of historical flood records from central Europe suggests that widespread inundations in the region have been on the wane for the past century or so.

  11. Earth

    New mantle model gets the water out

    A novel notion of geophysical processes taking place deep within our planet may explain why the upper layer of Earth's mantle is relatively depleted of many trace elements.

  12. Paleontology

    Fossils’ ear design hints at aquatic lifestyle

    New studies of distinctive skull structures in fossils of one of Earth's earliest-known four-limbed creatures suggest the animal could hear best when it was underwater.