Sid Perkins

Sid Perkins is a freelance science writer based in Crossville, Tenn.

All Stories by Sid Perkins

  1. Planetary Science

    High Anxiety: Sudden solar flare highlights space risks

    Measurements of energetic particles from an unusually strong solar flare that pummeled Earth early this year suggest that astronauts traveling or working in space might sometimes need to reach shelter within minutes of a warning.

  2. Earth

    Muddy Waters

    Even though human activities such as agriculture and deforestation are sending more sediment into streams and rivers, less of that material is reaching river deltas, a trend that exacerbates problems such as subsidence and coastal erosion.

  3. Earth

    Portrait of destruction

    A new simulation suggests where the most damaging ground motions would occur if a magnitude 7.7 earthquake struck the San Andreas fault east of Los Angeles.

  4. Learning to Listen

    Disparate groups of creatures, including bats, toothed whales, and birds, have evolved biological sonar that they use to track prey, but other creatures have evolved ways to detect this sonar and thereby increase their odds of survival.

  5. Earth

    Mind the Gap: Inadequate monitoring at many U.S. volcanoes

    A report just released by the U.S. Geological Survey ranks the threats posed by the nation's volcanoes.

  6. Humans

    Change of fuel could extend lives in Africa

    By switching from biofuels such as wood and charcoal to kerosene or other fossil fuels, people in many parts of Africa could significantly trim indoor air pollution, thereby delaying millions of premature deaths from pulmonary disease over the next 25 years.

  7. Earth

    Bed of Armor: Large rocks hold fast in flooding streams

    The relative proportions of rocks of various sizes in gravel-lined streams remain constant, even during substantial floods.

  8. Paleontology

    Early mammal had newfangled fangs

    A tiny mammal that lived in Colorado about 150 million years ago had hollow teeth that lacked enamel, a characteristic that didn't reappear in mammals for another 100 million years.

  9. Earth

    Coming Storms: Method predicts intensity of U.S. hurricane seasons

    A new computer model that analyzes summer-wind patterns can help predict whether the United States will suffer a damaging hurricane season.

  10. Paleontology

    Egg-Citing Discovery: Dinosaur fossil includes eggshells

    The first-ever find of shelled eggs inside a dinosaur fossil bolsters ideas about the reptiles' reproductive physiology.

  11. Earth

    Hit Again: December temblor probably caused new Sumatran quakes

    Seismic activity that rattled the Indonesian region early this week, including a quake that measured a whopping magnitude 8.7, was triggered by December's massive tsunami-spawning earthquake, scientists suggest.

  12. Earth

    Volume of glaciers and ice caps is estimated

    New topographic data have enabled scientists to estimate the volume of water trapped in the ice caps and glaciers outside of Antarctica and Greenland and to predict how high the sea level would rise if this ice melted.