Sid Perkins

Sid Perkins is a freelance science writer based in Crossville, Tenn.

All Stories by Sid Perkins

  1. Tech

    The flap on dragonfly flight

    New experiments have revealed an aerodynamic trick that dragonflies use to fly efficiently — a trick that engineers could exploit to improve the energy efficiency of small aerial vehicles with a similar design.

  2. Earth

    Emissions head north

    When it comes to Arctic air, various regions of the Northern Hemisphere are equal opportunity polluters. Even some subtropical countries in southern Asia get into the act.

  3. Climate

    A little drier every day

    The Sahara, one of the hottest and driest regions on Earth, gradually became arid over a period of centuries, a finding that contradicts many previous studies.

  4. Ecosystems

    Bring in the replacements

    Missing links in ecosystems disrupted by extinctions could be restored by introducing species that perform the same function, new field experiments suggest.

  5. Humans

    Teeth chronicle infant diet

    Chemical analyses of teeth, including fossilized ones, may provide clues that tell anthropologists the age at which a child was weaned.

  6. Earth

    In the aftermath

    The charcoal left after a forest fire stimulates microbial activity that boosts carbon loss from organic material covering the ground.

  7. Earth

    Heat relief

    A new data-rich climate model foresees a short-term reprieve from warming for parts of western Europe and North America.

  8. Planetary Science

    Hop, skip and a jump

    Less gravity on Mars means wind-driven grains of sand travel up to 10 times faster than those blowing along Earth’s surface, new analyses suggest.

  9. Earth

    Climate fix could deplete polar ozone

    Scientists seeking to cool Earth’s climate by injecting sulfuric acid droplets high in the atmosphere might trim rising temperatures but could also destroy much of the ozone in polar regions, a new study suggests.

  10. Earth

    Melt pond falls through ice in Greenland

    A lake of meltwater atop Greenland's ice sheet wedged open a crack in the underlying ice that drained the lake dry.

  11. Life

    Elephant kin liked the water

    Moeritherium, ancient relatives of modern elephants, may have spent much of their time in lakes, rivers or swamps.

  12. Environment

    Down with Carbon

    Scientists are exploring strategies for capturing carbon dioxide and storing it safely away in order to limit the levels of that greenhouse gas in the atmosphere.