Sid Perkins

Sid Perkins is a freelance science writer based in Crossville, Tenn.

All Stories by Sid Perkins

  1. Earth

    Atmospheric rollercoaster followed Great Oxidation Event

    Analyses of chromium isotopes in banded iron formations suggest oxygen levels fell for a period after the Great Oxidation Event.

  2. Earth

    Danger in the Air

    To minimize the threat of volcanic ash plumes to aircraft, scientists are improving methods of satellite detection and developing ground-based gas and ash-plume sensors to monitor volcanic activity.

  3. Planetary Science

    Celestial population boom

    Large meteoroids are probably more common than telescopic surveys suggest, new analyses find.

  4. Earth

    Unusual advances

    New glacier model helps explain how ice masses can grow even in a generally warming climate.

  5. Earth

    Scanning the land

    Quake data analyses yield an improved model of Southern California’s crust.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Better BBQ through chemistry

    Food chemists reveal their secrets to juicier, tastier barbecue.

  7. Earth

    Bubblin’ plume

    Sonar survey spots previously unknown plume in the depths off California.

  8. Disaster Goes Global

    The eruption in 1600 of a seemingly quiet volcano in Peru changed global climate and triggered famine as far away as Russia

  9. Earth

    Hazy changes on high

    A big boost in coal burning, especially in China, is adding aerosols to the stratosphere.

  10. Pearls Unstrung

    For a while, the Great Lakes weren’t connected by rivers and Niagara Falls was just a trickle.

  11. Earth

    Big Gulp, Asian style

    Satellite data reveals that increased irrigation pressure is rapidly depleting groundwater in northern India.

  12. Earth

    Spotting danger from on high

    Airborne sensors can identify mineral outcrops and soil that may contain natural asbestos.