Sid Perkins

Sid Perkins is a freelance science writer based in Crossville, Tenn.

All Stories by Sid Perkins

  1. Paleontology

    Sail-backed dinos had semiaquatic lifestyle

    Isotopic analyses of fossils suggest the carnivores had crocodile-like habits.

  2. Earth

    Sea levels erratic during latest ice age

    Mineral crusts deposited 81,000 years ago in a Mediterranean island’s caves suggest an abrupt jump in sea level.

  3. Earth

    Oldest feathered dino shows its colors

    Analysis of a fossil suggests plumage first evolved for display, not flight.

  4. Paleontology

    Reverbs of bat echolocation studies

    Ancient bat may well have used sound waves to sense the world, Sid Perkins reports in the latest Deleted Scenes blog.

  5. Climate

    Water vapor slowed recent global warming trend

    A decline in stratospheric water vapor has slowed Earth’s surface warming slightly in recent years.

  6. Earth

    Dinosaurs, in living color

    Researchers find microscopic structures in some fossils that may have held pigments.

  7. Crop irrigation could be cooling Midwest

    A recent drop in summer highs may be linked to greater moisture from the Great Plains.

  8. Humans

    Minor air traffic delays add up to big costs

    On average, the economic impact of late flights exceeds that of hurricanes

  9. Agriculture

    How better weather models can save peanut farmers money

    Better weather forecasts could help farmers avoid unnecessary pesticide spraying.

  10. Dressing up dinos

    Adding soft tissue to bone helps scientists, paleoartists bring ancient creatures to life.

  11. Climate

    Acidifying ocean may stifle phytoplankton

    Chemical changes in seawater make a key nutrient less available to these organisms.

  12. Earth

    Hydrothermal vent environments not unchanging

    Once-rare organisms can become dominant, probably as some environmental conditions change over time.