Sid Perkins

Sid Perkins is a freelance science writer based in Crossville, Tenn.

All Stories by Sid Perkins

  1. Life

    Chameleon tongues snappy even when cold

    Collagen gives the creatures a bug-catching advantage in chilly conditions.

  2. Earth

    Arctic seafloor a big source of methane

    Measurements show that Arctic undersea methane deposits, previously thought to be sealed by permafrost, are leaking into the atmosphere.

  3. Earth

    Earth knocked for a loop

    Chile’s February 27 temblor, tectonically linked to another giant quake 50 years ago, sped up the Earth’s rotation and tipped the planet’s axis.

  4. Paleontology

    Ancient DNA suggests polar bears evolved recently

    A study of a rare Norwegian fossil narrows down when polar bears evolved and finds they are closely related to modern-day brown bears in Alaska.

  5. Life

    Hydrothermal vents sometimes colonized from afar

    Deep-sea currents can waft larvae hundreds of kilometers.

  6. The carbon footprint of industrial whaling

    Blog: Over the past century, whale hunting released 128,000 Hummers’ worth of carbon into the atmosphere

  7. Ecosystems

    Sea of plastics

    Oceanographers are finding more patches of floating polymers, some up to 20 meters deep.

  8. Ecosystems

    Sperm whales may team up to herd prey

    Data recorders yield first hints of coordinated feeding behavior.

  9. Paleontology

    Sail-backed dinos had semiaquatic lifestyle

    Isotopic analyses of fossils suggest the carnivores had crocodile-like habits.

  10. Earth

    Sea levels erratic during latest ice age

    Mineral crusts deposited 81,000 years ago in a Mediterranean island’s caves suggest an abrupt jump in sea level.

  11. Earth

    Oldest feathered dino shows its colors

    Analysis of a fossil suggests plumage first evolved for display, not flight.

  12. Paleontology

    Reverbs of bat echolocation studies

    Ancient bat may well have used sound waves to sense the world, Sid Perkins reports in the latest Deleted Scenes blog.