Science News

All Stories by Science News

  1. Key to Ancient Animal Mysteries

  2. In Various Science Fields

  3. Back Matter

  4. The Sun’s New Trans-Neptunian Planet

  5. Nature Ramblings: The Tastes of an Octopus

  6. First Glances at New Books

  7. Maya Stone Road Links Two City Ruins

  8. The Prediction of the New Planet: A Classic of Science

  9. Front Matter

  10. Black as Coal, Dense as Zinc

  11. Astronomers Acclaim New Planet

    Science News-Letter | March 22, 1930 — The report from Flagstaff of the discovery of a faint, slow-moving object which can most reasonably be interpreted as a ninth major planet of the solar system again emphasizes man's ability to see beyond his power of vision and to grasp what lies beyond his reach.

  12. New Comet