Science News

All Stories by Science News

  1. First Glances at New Books

  2. New Comet

  3. Front Matter

  4. Black as Coal, Dense as Zinc

  5. In Various Science Fields

  6. The Sun’s New Trans-Neptunian Planet

  7. Nature Ramblings: The Tastes of an Octopus

  8. Astronomers Acclaim New Planet

    Science News-Letter | March 22, 1930 — The report from Flagstaff of the discovery of a faint, slow-moving object which can most reasonably be interpreted as a ninth major planet of the solar system again emphasizes man's ability to see beyond his power of vision and to grasp what lies beyond his reach.

  9. Maya Stone Road Links Two City Ruins

  10. The Prediction of the New Planet: A Classic of Science

  11. First Glances at New Books

  12. Back Matter