Science News

All Stories by Science News

  1. Letters

    Your cosmic questions Regarding the “The vital statistics” in “Cosmic questions, answers pending” (SN: 4/23/11, p. 20), I was puzzled by two values: 13.75 billion years (time since the Big Bang) and 90 billion light-years (diameter of the universe). If light has been streaming away for 13.75 billion years, then shouldn’t the diameter of the […]

  2. BOOK REVIEW: Annoying: The Science of What Bugs Us by Joe Palca and Flora Lichtman

    Review by Devin Powell.

  3. The Dance of Air and Sea: How Oceans, Weather, and Life Link Together by Arnold H. Taylor

    An oceanographer explores the connectedness of the seas, atmosphere and weather, with implications for climate change. Oxford Univ. Press, 2011, 288 p., $29.95.

  4. Finding Mars by Ned Rozell

    This travel yarn is set in the rugged regions of Earth, following permafrost scientist Kenji Yoshikawa as he traverses the frozen Arctic. Univ. of Alaska Press, 2011, 188 p., $22.95.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Body & Brain

    The health benefits of wheat and olive oil, plus Down syndrome dementia, a heartbreaking gene and more in this week’s news.

  6. Life


    Danger moths get the girls, plus hibernating rabies and duck personalities in this week’s news.

  7. Humans


    War spawns cooperation, plus microloan payoffs, preschool’s benefits and more in this week’s news.

  8. Chemistry

    Molecules/Matter & Energy

    Antimatter in a bottle, superfluid swirls, ladybug poisons and more in this week's news.

  9. Earth

    Earth & Environment

    Climate change brings a thirstier West and thinner polar bears, plus parsing the sun and moon's effects in this week's news.

  10. Life

    Genes & Cells

    Extreme sibling rivalry, mitochondrial breakups and tubular cells in this week’s news.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Body & Brain

    Fat joins suite of tastes, plus crossword vision, metastasis clues and more in this week’s news.

  12. Tech

    Social Networks

    Power networks in Congress, Twitter’s crystal ball and iPhone contagion in news from an MIT workshop on information in social media.