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All Stories by Science News
- Planetary Science
Comet belt predicted near farthest planet
Observations have confirmed the existence of the Kuiper Belt, first proposed in 1963.
- Environment
Cattle chemical can return in the night
Steroid to beef up cows breaks down, but can reassemble under the right conditions.
- Science & Society
Readers respond to our stories 'Distracted Driving' and 'Ratio of a good life exposed as ‘nonsense’'
- Life
Letters to the editor
Sleepless on a schedule, Edison's rubbery discovery and monogamy not just for men.
- Cosmology
Huge Galactic Explosion
An excerpt from the October 5, 1963, issue of Science News Letter.
- Environment
Grain alcohol in gasoline?
An excerpt from the September 21, 1963, issue of Science News Letter.
- Animals
Porpoises Can Teach Man Marine Diving, Detection
Excerpt from the September 7, 1963, issue of Science News Letter