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All Stories by Science News
- Humans
From the March 18, 1933, issue
CAMERA PICTURES BEAUTY AND PROGRESS AT HOOVER DAM The photographer for the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation has caught the spirit of the beginnings of Hoover dam in the picture reproduced on the front cover of this week’s Science News Letter. He was looking upstream toward the dam site when he snapped his camera. The structure […]
- Tech
Invention Playhouse
Aimed at children, the “Invention at Play” Web site offers a variety of interactive activities to encourage and exercise creativity. Developed by the Lemelson Center for the Study of Invention and Innovation, the site accompanies a traveling exhibit that looks at similarities between the way children play and creative processes used by science and technology […]
Your article left me wondering. If the drug could help an allergic person eat up to 24 peanuts, it really isn’t a complete cure, is it? I guess I’ll just keep on avoiding all peanut products and their derivatives. Oh, well. Bob BeckettCollegedale, Tenn.
- Humans
From the September 13, 1930, issue
alt=”Click to view larger image”> SQUATTY STEEL TANK If you fill a rubber balloon with water, put the inside under about 15 pounds pressure, and set it down on a table, it will assume a shape very much like that of the huge metal tank shown on the front cover. In fact, that is the […]
- Humans
From the September 6, 1930, issue
alt=”Click to view larger image”> LIONS IN ALASKA Alaska, with its vast herds of caribou, its foxes and beaver, its mountain sheep and goats, and its great bears, black, brown, grizzly, and white, is one of the world’s game paradises; but 100,000 years ago, long before the slow-witted men who inhabited Europe thought to follow […]
- Humans
From the August 30, 1930, issue
alt=”Click to view larger image”> IN COTTON CLOTHING Wolves in the clothing of sheep have been familiar, at least as metaphors, for a couple of millennia. More lately, since we have begun to pay close attention to our trees and shrubs, have we become acquainted with a tiny wolf disguised as a tiny tuft of […]
- Archaeology
Blasts from the Past
Dig into the latest archaeological news reports, updated daily, from around the world at Archaeologica. The site also features links to Web pages on a wide range of archaeological topics, including ancient Egypt and North American rock art, and forums for discussing a variety of issues. Go to:
The Big Birdcast
Track the autumn migration of birds across the eastern portion of the United States at the BirdCast Web site. The site presents daily analyses of weather radar images to predict migration activity and patterns. Birdwatchers can also report their observations to help scientists refine such analyses and pinpoint the favored resting places of these feathered […]
- Planetary Science
Planets in Autumn
On Sept. 22, Earth joined two other worlds in the solar system where it is northern autumn. At this NASA Web site, learn more about Earth’s September equinox and ponder the bizarre seasons of other planets. Go to:
Snap, Whistle, Pop at Sea
The depths of the ocean are a noisy place. Sample the sounds of the croaker fish and other denizens of the sea. Listen to the calls of various marine mammals and the racket created by a bed of snapping shrimp. Then ponder the pinging pitter-patter of rain as heard from down under. Go to:, […]
- Humans
Quack Gadgets
Have you ever heard of the Battle Creek vibratory chair, the psychograph, or the violet-ray generator ? The Minneapolis-based Museum of Questionable Medical Devices provides information about these and many other items in its large collection. Includes photos, brief histories, and links to related Web sites. Go to:
- Earth
Past and Future Earth
Curious about what Earth’s continents and oceans might look like 50 million years from now? Geologist Christopher R. Scotese of the University of Texas at Arlington has created a Web site devoted to plate tectonics and Earth’s geography and climate, from the deep past to the distant future. The site features maps of Earth, animations, […]