Science News

All Stories by Science News

  1. Humans

    Letters from the April 2, 2005, issue of Science News

    Zoom in, drop out On reading the interesting research on droplets (“Dial-a-Splash: Thin air quells liquid splatter,” SN: 2/12/05, p. 99), I noticed that the two droplets shown in the photos at the moment of first contact have different shapes. In air at normal pressure, the droplet has the characteristic hamburger-bun shape. In contrast, the […]

  2. Astronomy

    Worlds of Astronomy

    British astronomer and writer David Darling has created an impressive, online encyclopedia devoted to topics in astronomy, astrobiology, spaceflight, space physics, and much more. From the Abell cluster to the Zwicky Catalogue, the site provides clear, straightforward explanations of a variety of concepts, along with brief biographies and much other material, including relevant images. Go […]

  3. Humans

    From the March 23, 1935, issue

    Darwin's favorite plant is re-studied, rare hydrogen isotope is extracted from water, and need for strong lighting is questioned.

  4. Humans

    Letters from the March 26, 2005, issue of Science News

    Sleeper issue “Goodnight moon, hello Mom and Dad” (SN: 1/22/05, p. 61) attributes behaviors of earlier bedtime, longer sleeping, and earlier weaning to “greater personal independence” in children who sleep alone. It is equally possible that these behaviors are due to something else. Research predicting which children and families will benefit from co-sleeping or alone […]

  5. 19532

    I am troubled by the conclusion drawn in this article. The report says that college-educated adults do better on memory tests, displaying pronounced frontal brain activity, than do their less-educated peers. Might it not be just as reasonable to hypothesize that those who are able to “recruit the frontal brain into a memory system” do […]

  6. 19531

    Regarding this article, might I suggest that, rather than being a tool of thinking, imagination is just another word for thinking? Greg OttingerSunnyside, Calif.

  7. Humans

    From the March 16, 1935, issue

    A Russian institute celebrates an anniversary, a new instrument measures both heat and humidity, and early speculations about antimatter.

  8. Humans

    Letters from the March 19, 2005, issue of Science News

    Chew on this As an occasional betel nut chewer, I note that the report “Palm-Nut Problem” (SN: 1/15/05, p. 43) doesn’t touch on possible positive aspects of the habit. Chewing sapari (coarsely powdered, sweetened, and clove-flavored areca nut) at the end of a meal leads to a sense of satisfaction and well-being, induces salivation, and […]

  9. 19530

    This article ends with the remark, “overall, ‘coercion plays a more important role than kinship in favoring cooperation in insect societies.'” But there’s no proof in the article of this being true in the wasps’ activities overall. Only some of their egg handling is mentioned. If the conclusion is true, it overthrows 40 years of […]

  10. 19529

    This is the fourth time I’ve seen a report that vitamin E may not be appropriate for elderly people at cardiac risk. Detailed statistics are always given, but one fact is always omitted: what type of vitamin E was used in the study. Failing to explain what form of vitamin E was used makes the […]

  11. 19528

    You may be aware that nanoparticles from sources such as diesel engines have clearly been shown to be a major component of the exposures causing thousands of human deaths in the London smog of 1952. So, the news regarding synthetic nanoscale particles in this article is important but not terribly surprising. Jerrold L. AbrahamSUNY Upstate […]

  12. Wolf Search

    For those fascinated by wolves, retired biology professor Bill Forbes has developed a Web site devoted to these amazing, magnificent creatures. The site provides links to a wide variety of publications, including research articles and other materials, about wolves. It also includes wolf sounds, images of wolf skulls, quizzes, and even an interactive crossword puzzle. […]