Science News

All Stories by Science News

  1. Physics

    Matter & Energy: Science news of the year, 2008

    Science News writers and editors looked back at the past year's stories and selected a handful as the year's most interesting and important in Matter & Energy. Follow hotlinks to the full, original stories.

  2. Life

    Life: Science news of the year, 2008

    Science News writers and editors looked back at the past year's stories and selected a handful as the year's most interesting and important in Life. Follow hotlinks to the full, original stories.

  3. Life

    Genes & Cells: Science news of the year, 2008

    Science News writers and editors looked back at the past year's stories and selected a handful as the year's most interesting and important in Genes & Cells. Follow hotlinks to the full, original stories.

  4. Humans

    Science & Society: News of the year, 2008

    Science News writers and editors looked back at the past year's stories and selected a handful as the year's most interesting and important in the interface of Science & Society. Follow hotlinks to the full, original stories.

  5. Humans

    Humans: Science news of the year, 2008

    Science News writers and editors looked back at the past year's stories and selected a handful as the year's most interesting and important in Humans. Follow hotlinks to the full, original stories.

  6. Space

    Atom & Cosmos: Science news of the year, 2008

    Science News writers and editors looked back at the past year's stories and selected a handful as the year's most interesting and important in Atom & Cosmos. Follow hotlinks to the full, original stories.

  7. Science & Society

    Book Review: Where Our Food Comes From: Retracing Nikolay Vavilov’s Quest to End Famine by Gary Paul Nabhan

    Review by Janet Raloff.

  8. Ecosystems

    Eating the Sun: How Plants Power the Planet by Oliver Morton

    HarperCollins, 2008, 460 p., $28.95.

  9. Astronomy

    Stargazing Basics: Getting Started in Recreational Astronomy by Paul E. Kinzer

    Cambridge Univ., 2008, 147 p., $19.99.

  10. Letters

    NASA’s source In “Cooling climate ‘consensus’ of 1970s never was” (SN: 10/25/08, p. 5), Science News includes a graph, attributed to NASA, that shows temperature deviations from the year 1880. The data clearly indicate a distinct warming trend throughout the period. Why is it that over the past two years I have very painstakingly researched […]

  11. Science Past for December 20, 1958

    Poison ivy pills— A poison ivy pill can offer season-long immunity against America’s common summer skin rash.… The standard dosage that will develop immunity includes one tablet every other day for the first two weeks. This is then followed by one tablet daily for the next two weeks. Then two tablets taken daily for the […]

  12. Science Future for December 20, 2008

    December 30 Cleveland’s Great Lakes Science Center rings in 2009 with exhibits, films and a balloon drop. Visit January 12, 2009 Smithsonian Institution’s 2009 Tropical Extinction Symposium to be held in Washington, D.C. Visit January 15, 2009 Arp’s Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies opens at The Schneider Museum of Art in Ashland, Ore. Visit […]