Science News

All Stories by Science News

  1. Complexity: A Guided Tour by Melanie Mitchell

    A scientist surveys the field and explores how complexity emerges from simple interactions in a variety of systems. Oxford Univ., 2009, 349 p., $29.95. COMPLEXITY: A GUIDED TOUR BY MELANIE MITCHELL

  2. Animal Migration: Remarkable Journeys in the Wild by Ben Hoare

    A collection of color photos, maps and drawings depicts animals’ treks across the planet. Univ. of California, 2009, 176 p., $34.95. ANIMAL MIGRATION: REMARKABLE JOURNEYS IN THE WILD BY BEN HOARE

  3. Professional Learning Communities for Science Teaching: Lessons from Research and Practice by Susan Mundry and Katherine E. Stiles, eds.

    Examples of educators creating collaborative networks to develop their skills, and how students can benefit. National Science Teachers Association Press, 2009, 161 p., $22.95. PROFESSIONAL LEARNING COMMUNITIES FOR SCIENCE TEACHING: LESSONS FROM RESEARCH AND PRACTICE BY SUSAN MUNDRY AND KATHERINE E. STILES, EDS.

  4. The Ego Tunnel: The Science of the Mind and the Myth of the Self by Thomas Metzinger

    A philosopher argues that your idea of self is all in your head. Basic Books, 2009, 288 p., $27.50. THE EGO TUNNEL: THE SCIENCE OF THE MIND AND THE MYTH OF THE SELF BY THOMAS METZINGER

  5. Hornet Plus Three: The Story of the Apollo 11 Recovery by Bob Fish

    After men first landed on the moon, they still had to get back to Earth — a surprisingly complicated feat. Creative Minds Press, 2009, 232 p., $29.95. HORNET PLUS THREE: THE STORY OF THE APOLLO 11 RECOVERY BY BOB FISH

  6. Letters

    On honeybees and jury duty Reading “Swarm Savvy” ( SN: 5/9/09, p. 16 ), I was struck by how closely the honeybee decision-making process resembled the internal dynamics of a jury I once was on. The “obvious” jury decision, in my not-very-humble opinion, was guilty to a lesser charge of non-aggravated battery, but I was […]

  7. Science Future for July 4, 2009

    July 19-23 Get education training at the NEED National Energy Conference for Educators in Nashville. See July 31 Deadline for submissions to the Imagine Science Film Festival in New York City. Get more info at October 28-November 1 Society for Hispanic Professional Engineers conference in Washington, D.C. Visit

  8. Science Past from the issue of July 4, 1959

    Brides and grooms are younger than ever — Today’s brides and grooms are younger than any others in the nation’s history, the Population Reference Bureau reported. The average age for first marriages in the U.S. last year was 23 for men and 20 for women. More girls married at 18 than at any other age. […]

  9. Letters

    Astronomical art faux pas Assuming they are in the Northern Hemisphere, those two young folk on the cover of the May 23 Science News look remarkably chipper while keeping astronomers’ hours. I make the time to be about 3 a.m. as a waning decrescent moon rises.Dainis Bisenieks, Philadelphia, Pa. SPECIAL ASTRONOMY ISSUE COVER The cover […]

  10. Book Review: Play: How It Shapes the Brain, Opens the Imagination, and Invigorates the Soul by Stuart Brown with Christopher Vaughan

    Review by Rachel Zelkowitz.

  11. Intel ISEF Discussion Panel

    Nobelists to students: Being wrong may be just right.

  12. Book Review: Flotsametrics and the Floating World by Curtis Ebbesmeyer and Eric Scigliano

    Review by Sid Perkins.