Science News

All Stories by Science News

  1. Letters

    Lead or poverty’s later toll Most toxic materials have the most deleterious effects at the earliest exposure ages, so I was puzzled by the study outcome in “School-age lead exposures may do more harm than earlier exposures” (SN: 6/6/09, p. 13). Did the study control for social and financial background? It would make sense for […]

  2. Book Review: Conservation Refugees: The Hundred-Year Conflict Between Global Conservation and Native Peoples by Mark Dowie

    Review by Rachel Zelkowitz.

  3. Book Review: Historic Photos of the Manhattan Project by Timothy Joseph

    Review by Sid Perkins.

  4. Building a Meal: From Molecular Gastronomy to Culinary Constructivism by Hervé This

    A chemist trained in culinary arts explores the science of a good meal, with tips for how to make one. Columbia Univ., 2009, 135 p., $19.95. Building a Meal: From Molecular Gastronomy to Culinary Constructivism by Hervé This

  5. Understanding Perennials: A New Look at an Old Favorite by William Cullina

    An intimate portrait of perennials aims to give a deeper understanding of these garden standbys. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2009, 247 p., $40. Understanding Perennials: A New Look at an Old Favorite by William Cullina

  6. Cogent Science in Context: The Science Wars, Argumentation Theory, and Habermas by William Rehg

    A philosopher reflects on the best way to validate a scientific claim. MIT Press, 2009, 345 p., $40. Cogent Science in Context: The Science Wars, Argumentation Theory, and Habermas by William Rehg

  7. Alien Ocean: Anthropological Voyages in Microbial Seas by Stefan Helmreich

    Research reveals the complexity and diversity of microbial life in the sea. Univ. of California, 2009, 403 p., $24.95. Alien Ocean: Anthropological Voyages in Microbial Seas by Stefan Helmreich

  8. Decoding the Heavens by Jo Marchant

    A science writer takes readers on a quest to decode the Antikythera Mechanism, the first analog computer. Da Capo Press, 2009, 328 p., $25. Decoding the Heavens by Jo Marchant

  9. Science Future for July 18, 2009

    July 20 Follow as Nature Publishing Group reconstructs the first lunar landing via Twitter. Visit July 23–24 AAAS Science and Human Rights Coalition meeting to be held in Washington, D.C. See August 16–20 Chemists discuss advances at the American Chemical Society meeting in Washington, D.C. Register at

  10. Science Past from the issue of July 18, 1959

    Computer could aid doctor in diagnosing — A computer that could aid the doctor in diagnosing a disease has been suggested by two scientists.… The machine would store codes for symptoms, diseases and their relationships. Then, in those cases which are particularly hard to diagnose, such as those already in the hospital, the machine would […]

  11. Book Review: Weather’s Greatest Mysteries Solved! by Randy Cerveny

    Review by Sid Perkins.

  12. Book Review: Evolution Rx: A Practical Guide to Harnessing Our Innate Capacity for Health and Healing by William Meller

    Review by Bruce Bower.