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All Stories by Science News
Book Review: Communicating Science: Professional, Popular, Literary by Nicholas Russell
Review by Rachel Zelkowitz.
Book Review: The Faith Instinct: How Religion Evolved & Why It Endures by Nicholas Wade
Review by Bruce Bower.
Write an Effective Funding Application: A Guide for Researchers & Scholars by Mary W. Walters
A step-by-step guide to creating successful funding proposals. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009, 151 p., $22. WRITE AN EFFECTIVE FUNDING APPLICATION: A GUIDE FOR RESEARCHERS & SCHOLARS BY MARY W. WALTERS
Laboratory Disease: Robert Koch’s Medical Bacteriology by Christoph Gradmann and Elborg Forster, translator
A science historian examines the origins of the field of medical bacteriology and the life of one of its founders. Laboratory Disease: Robert Koch’s Medical Bacteriology by Christoph Gradmann and Elborg Forster, translator Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009, 318 p., $35.
Understanding Solid State Physics by Sharon Ann Holgate
The authors explain basic physics principles with undergraduates in mind. UNDERSTANDING SOLID STATE PHYSICS BY SHARON ANN HOLGATE CRC Press, 2010, 349 p., $79.95.
The Nature Study Movement by Kevin C. Armitage
A scholar describes the amateur naturalists of the late 19th century and their influence on modern environmentalism. THE NATURE STUDY MOVEMENT BY KEVIN C. ARMITAGE University Press of Kansas, 2009, 291 p., $34.95.
Turtles: The Animal Answer Guide by Whit Gibbons and Judy Greene
Turtle experts address 100 or so of the most common questions about these reptiles. TURTLES: THE ANIMAL ANSWER GUIDE BY WHIT GIBBONS AND JUDY GREENE Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009, 163 p., $24.95.
Science Future by January 30, 2010
February 20–21 Free science discussion sessions and demos are open to the public at the AAAS annual meeting in San Diego. See February 24–26 The International Stroke Conference 2010 is held in San Antonio. See March 31 New nomination deadline for the 2010 National Medal of Science. Get forms at
Science Past from the issue of January 30, 1960
SAFE SEASONINGS NAMED — Some 150 seasonings and flavorings — ranging from the familiar cinnamon to exotic “ylang-ylang” — have been put on the safe list, the Food and Drug Administration has announced. Manufacturers who use these flavors in their food products need not furnish further proof of their safety. The list includes cloves, nutmeg, […]
Thinking animals An interesting article, but the question of human consciousness seems no closer to solution in “Humans wonder, anybody home?” by Susan Gaidos (SN: 12/19/09, p. 22) than it did in Julian Jaynes’ The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind of 1976. It seems to me that all the mental […]
Science Past from the issue of January 16, 1960
MEN TO MARS POSSIBLE IN 60’S, EXPERTS SAY — The United States will be able to send three men on a 14-month expedition to Mars in a nuclear-powered two-stage rocket ship during the 1960’s, three space experts assert. The rocket ship would go into orbit around Mars, and the exploring party would use a chemically […]
Science Future for January 16, 2010
February 4–5 Annual meeting of the American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences occurs in Las Vegas. See February 13–17 The American Physical Society and American Association of Physics Teachers meet in Washington, D.C. See March 17 Human origins exhibit premieres at the National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C. See