All Stories by Science News Staff

  1. Neuroscience

    Heartbeats help people see

    People were more likely to spot a flash of a hard-to-see ring when the image was presented right after a heartbeat

  2. Planetary Science

    Asteroid disintegrates while spinning too fast

    Asteroid P/2013 R3 is shattering into a cloud of debris in these images captured by the Hubble Space Telescope.

  3. Agriculture

    Where antibiotics go

    Of the 51 tons of antibiotics consumed every day in the United States, about 80 percent goes into animal production.

  4. Astronomy

    Star cluster hurtles through space with tremendous speed

    A compact ball of hundreds of thousands of stars has just shot out of the galaxy M87 at millions of kilometers per hour, astronomers report. It is the first hypervelocity globular cluster detected to date.

  5. Astronomy

    Kepler data confirm 715 new exoplanets

    The population of planets outside the solar system has grown by about 70 percent, thanks to discoveries culled from Kepler space telescope data. Researchers are announcing 715 new confirmed planets in a February 26 press conference.

  6. Environment

    Handling receipts increases exposure to BPA

    People who handle cash register receipts printed on thermal paper show notable exposure to bisphenol A.

  7. Feedback

    Readers respond to disco clams, flying ibises and the changes pot makes on the brain.

  8. Planetary Science

    Lunar asteroid impact caught on video

    On September 11, a dishwasher-sized meteoroid slammed into the nearside of the moon, exploding with the equivalent of 16 tons of TNT — and a lucky team of Spanish astronomers caught it on video.

  9. Neuroscience

    Brain’s fact-checker located

    A bit of brain tissue near the top of the head may be the body’s fact-checker. Called the supplementary motor cortex, this brain region monitors the body’s action and sends an alert when a mistake is made.

  10. Psychology

    Beatles reaction puzzles even psychologists

    From the February 29, 1964, issue: Psychologists are as puzzled as parents over the explosive effect the Beatles are having on American teen-agers.

  11. Earth

    Age of Earth’s crust confirmed

    Decaying atoms traced in zircon uphold dating of Earth's crust at about 4.374 billion years old.

  12. Physics

    Graphene film blocks wireless signals

    A transparent film made of graphene layered with quartz absorbed 90 percent of radio waves.