All Stories by Science News Staff

  1. Chemistry

    Element 117 earns spot on periodic table

    Atoms jam-packed with 117 protons have been produced at a particle collider in Germany, confirming the discovery of a new element.

  2. Science & Society

    Anti-leukemia vaccine reported hope of future

    Fifty years ago, Science News Letter reported on the promise of a vaccine to prevent leukemia. No preventive vaccine has come to pass, but leukemia vaccines as treatments has yielded promising results.

  3. Astronomy

    Chilly starlike orb found just a few light-years away

    WISE J085510.83-071442.5 is the coldest brown dwarf found to date.

  4. Earth

    Surge seen in number of U.S. wildfires

    The number and size of wildfires in the western United States has steadily risen over the last three decades.

  5. Climate


    Readers discuss the influence of clouds on climate, how to treat addiction and which human-made hazards are the biggest bird-killers.

  6. Tech

    Animated movies made by computer

    A 17-minute animated movie made with a computer in 1964 took 2,000 hours of film processing and cost $600 per minute. The 2013 animated film Frozen cost about $1.5 million per minute to make.

  7. Planetary Science

    RIP LADEE: 9/6/2013 – 4/18/2014

    NASA’s Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE) mission ended April 18.

  8. Tech

    To do: Exhibits to explore this May in D.C. and New York

    Events include a celebration of science and original watercolor paintings from John James Audubon.

  9. Neuroscience

    What’s behind rising autism rates

    Better diagnosis may be driving a recent spike in autism.

  10. Physics

    Meet Big Bird, highest-energy neutrino ever detected

    Big Bird, the neutrino, struck the Antarctic ice with a record 2 million billion electron volts of energy.

  11. Science & Society

    Millions of working mamas

    It has been a long time since millions of American women working outside the home was big sociological news. Women are now 47 percent of the U.S. workforce.

  12. Genetics


    Readers ask about Neandertal genes and electricity-generating spores and react to a fusion milestone.