Ruth Bennett
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All Stories by Ruth Bennett
Sexual orientation linked to handedness
A metanalysis reveals right-handedness is more common among heterosexuals than homosexuals, suggesting a neurobiological basis for sexual orientation.
Mice can thank a hormone for the memories
Oxytocin, a hormone previously implicated in mammalian sexual and maternal behavior, may play a role in social recognition in mice.
Hands, not eyes, hold clue to illusion
Psychologists disprove a leading hypothesis for the size-weight illusion—an error that arises when people try to estimate the weights of two bodies of different sizes but the same mass.
Single singing male toad seeks same
Male spadefoot toads of the Spea multiplicata species evaluate male competitors by the same criterion females use.
Survey confirms composition of the cosmos
A team of astronomers announced this week that after measuring the redshifts of 100,000 galaxies, they have new evidence for what makes up most of the mass of the universe.