Ron Cowen

All Stories by Ron Cowen

  1. Space

    Early galaxy bulges in the middle

    By tracing star birth in a galaxy that existed when the universe was less than 1 billion years old, researchers have captured what appears to be the formation of a key galactic component — a central concentration of stars known as the bulge.

  2. Space

    Smallest known transiting planet discovered

    Astronomers have found the smallest known extrasolar planets that is blocking light from its parent star. The discovery could help reveal information about the structure of planets that may resemble Earth.

  3. Earth

    The Solar System’s Big Bang

    Finding signs of a lost beginning.

  4. Space

    Big black holes may not stop star birth

    New study suggests models may have given these supermassive beasts too much credit.

  5. Space

    Whiff of Martian methane offers lively possibilities

    The definitive discovery in Mars’ atmosphere of methane — often, but not always, a compound hinting at life — introduces the possibility of underground organisms.

  6. Space

    Tuned in to new noise from the cosmos

    Unexplained radio noise may be signals from the early universe.

  7. Space

    In the young universe, black holes may have formed first

    Findings pose a possible answer to long-standing question of when the black holes at galactic centers formed.

  8. Space

    Astronomers get burst of details from early universe

    Unusually bright afterglow records what a galaxy was like soon after Big Bang.

  9. Space

    Evolution, 3-D animation of Cassiopeia A

    Videos chart old supernova remnant, give 3-D perspective

  10. Space

    This just in: Milky Way as massive as 3 trillion suns

    Heftier size puts our galaxy on par with its neighbor Andromeda, implying a closer collision date. Findings also suggest Milky Way has four spiral arms.

  11. Space

    Core of the galaxy in high-res

    New high-resolution mosaic sharpens understanding of Milky Way’s turbulent center.

  12. Space

    Lopsided universe demands different explanation

    Cosmologists analyzing an apparent asymmetry in the pattern of radiation reveal evidence for a new type of field in the early universe.