Ron Cowen

All Stories by Ron Cowen

  1. Planetary Science

    Stars go kaboom, spilling cosmic secrets

    Astronomers hope type 1a supernovas will help in quest to explain dark energy.

  2. Space

    Galaxies going green

    An unusual group of green, pea-shaped galaxies may be nearby analogs of remote galaxies undergoing a high rate of star formation.

  3. Space

    Rotation may solve cosmic mystery

    Astronomers propose a new explanation for the formation of the darkest galaxies in the universe.

  4. Space

    Evidence mounts for liquid interior of a Saturn moon

    Cassini researchers find additional support in the moon's plumes.

  5. Space

    Jupiter takes it on the chin

    Images reveal that an object has recently bashed into Jupiter, 15 years after the first of 21 chunks of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 struck the giant planet and created a memorable display of dark spots, waves and plumes.

  6. Space

    Pairing off in the early universe

    New simulations reveal that some of the first stars in the universe formed in pairs.

  7. Physics

    Capping the length of extra dimensions

    The existence of a small, elderly black hole places a new upper limit on the length of any extra dimension, a new study suggests.

  8. Space

    Baby Milky Way modeled

    Researchers unveil state-of-the-art simulation of galaxy formation.

  9. Astronomy

    Saturn’s moon may host an ocean

    Geysers on Saturn's moon Enceladus could have delivered sodium from its underground ocean and into the planet's E ring

  10. Space

    Iron-ic twist deepens cosmic ray puzzle

    Researchers announce an intriguing new finding about the most energetic charged particles in the universe.

  11. Astronomy

    Supernova may be in a new class

    A recently discovered stellar explosion may be part of a new class of supernova.

  12. Space

    Alien visitor from afar

    A speedy stellar neighbor may be a refugee from another galaxy.