Ron Cowen

All Stories by Ron Cowen

  1. Physics

    Hogan’s noise

    A cosmologist suggests a novel way to uncover the nature of spacetime on the smallest scales.

  2. Astronomy

    Saturn moon could be hospitable to life, new images suggest

    Cassini spacecraft sees evidence for liquid water beneath the surface of Saturn's moon Enceladus.

  3. Space

    Study raises questions about supernova origins

    X-ray observations of the explosions could shift measurements of the mysterious entity known as dark energy.

  4. Quantum Physics

    Higgs and his particle prove elusive

    Peter Higgs and colleagues receive particle theory prize; scientists still hunting the proposed boson

  5. Space

    Powerful collider set to smash protons

    The Large Hadron Collider will operate at only half its maximum energy for the next 2 years.

  6. Space

    A new VISTA on stellar birthplace

    A high-resolution panoramic image of the Orion star-forming region bodes well for the success of a new telescope dedicated to surveying large areas of the cosmos at infrared wavelengths.

  7. Space

    Pluto blushes red

    Newly released Hubble images of Pluto show an abrupt and unexplained color change.

  8. Space

    Ancient dawn’s early light refines age of universe

    Satellite images reveal new aspects of Big Bang’s relic radiation.

  9. Space

    New-star shine wearing off in nearby galaxy

    A galactic collision a billion years ago may have halted stellar formation by exhausting gaseous building blocks.

  10. Space

    Supernova winds blow galaxies into shape

    A new simulation that combines supernova winds with the mysterious material known as cold dark matter almost perfectly accounts for the structure of dwarf galaxies in nearby reaches of the universe.

  11. Space

    Gamma-ray burst may reveal some of oldest dust in the universe

    Remote flash may have uncovered supernova-generated dust from just 1 billion years after the Big Bang

  12. Space

    Not too soon to announce possible earliest galaxies known

    BLOG: Press briefing fails to announce preliminary findings of what could be the most distant galaxies seen yet.