Peter Weiss

All Stories by Peter Weiss

  1. Physics

    Hunting for Higher Dimensions

    Inspired by recent theoretical insights, physicists at accelerators and gravitational laboratories are searching for clues to dimensions beyond the four dimensions of space-time.

  2. Physics

    Melting nuclei re-create Big Bang broth

    The seething primordial matter that existed in the first microseconds after the Big Bang may have briefly reappeared in fireballs created at a European particle accelerator.

  3. Physics

    Scaling energy barriers to save data

    Researchers demonstrate a promising new way to make semiconductor-based memory that doesn't erase when the power goes off.

  4. Physics

    Spectral atom rings in

    Electron waves can generate a phantom atom when a real atom is placed at the right spot inside an elliptical quantum corral, or loop of atoms, arranged on a surface.

  5. Physics

    Ultracold molecules form inside superatom

    The formation of molecules within an ultracold gas of atoms called a Bose-Einstein condensate could be a step toward fluids in which molecules share the same quantum state.

  6. Physics

    Black hole recipe: Slow light, swirl atoms

    Whirling clouds of atoms may swallow light the way black holes do, possibly giving scientists a way to test the general theory of relativity in the lab, not just in outer space.

  7. Physics

    Sunlight Sponge? Energy trackers gauge water vapor’s wild dance

    Atmospheric water vapor takes in more solar radiation than has been indicated by measurements and models, but laser probes of highly agitated water molecules suggest that the vapor doesn't absorb enough radiation to explain the discrepancy fully.

  8. Tech

    Shrinking toward the Ultimate Transistor

    Scientists demonstrate transistor action in an atom—or two.

  9. Astronomy

    Cosmic Twist: X’s may mark spots where black holes merge

    If whacked by a companion black hole, a big, jet-emitting black hole may spew superhot plasma in a new, crosswise direction.

  10. Physics

    Law and Disorder: Chance fluctuations can rule the nanorealm

    A tug-of-war in a water droplet demonstrates that random fluctuations wield more than enough muscle to give nanoscale machines trouble.

  11. Physics

    Heavy Suspicion: Elemental discoveries trace to fake data

    A prominent physicist has lost his job following allegations that he fabricated the evidence underpinning his team's now-discredited discovery of elements 116 and 118.

  12. Physics

    Paper planes get laser liftoff

    Powering aircraft by remote lasers works—at least on paper.