Peter Weiss

All Stories by Peter Weiss

  1. Tech

    On the Rebound

    When electronically reversed in time, acoustic echoes can zero in on a spot in space, focusing sound energy so that it may zap tumors, detect submarines, or transmit private and secure information.

  2. Tech

    Watching the Big Wheelers: In sea of cars, trucks reveal traffic flow

    A new way to sense traffic jams more quickly tracks the motion of trucks within the overall traffic flow.

  3. Tech

    The Little Engines That Couldn’t

    Tired of grinding their gears, micromachine researchers turn to surface science.

  4. Physics

    Device Sees More inside Live Cells

    A new type of optical microscope, which can discern objects smaller than a supposedly fundamental limit for visible-light viewing, may make it possible to see finer details of the insides of living cells.

  5. Tech

    Worms may spin silk fit for skin

    Silk cocoons could become puffs of valuable human proteins if a new bioengineering method pans out.

  6. Physics

    New equation fits nitrogen to a T

    An elaborate, new equation that yields more accurate values for nitrogen's properties might have a multimillion-dollar impact in the cryogenic fluids industry.

  7. Physics

    Gecko toes tap intermolecular bonds

    For scurrying upside down on smooth ceilings and other gravity-defying feats, lizards known as geckos may exploit intermolecular forces between the surface and billions of tiny stalks under their toes.

  8. Physics

    Electronic Acrobats: Tidily tweaking electrons’ twirls

    The first demonstration of three-dimensional, electrical control of a quantum property of electrons known as spin marks an important step toward a new type of spin-based electronics and, possibly, quantum computers.

  9. Tech

    Technique boosts data rate in light pipes

    Turning a liability into an asset, a new technique for passing information through optical fibers increases the data flow by exploiting the very trait that has long held that flow back.

  10. Tech

    Light Splash: Transparent pipes shape microstructures

    A new technique using fluid dyes in microplumbing to create miniature fluid-carrying chips improves the 3-D topography of these microstructures and makes that topography relatively easy to modify.

  11. Physics

    Streams plus nanostrands equals electricity

    A dense bundle of carbon nanotubes develops a voltage difference along its length when immersed in a slow-flowing liquid.

  12. Tech

    Magnifier May Crack Crimes, Crashes

    Gumshoes equipped with a novel device for magnifying magnetic fields may spy clues on damaged, erased, or deliberately corrupted audio tapes and other magnetic media.