Nikk Ogasa is a staff writer who focuses on the physical sciences for Science News, based in Tucson, Arizona. He has a master's degree in geology from McGill University, where he studied how ancient earthquakes helped form large gold deposits. He earned another master's degree in science communication from the University of California, Santa Cruz. His stories have been published in ScienceScientific American, Mongabay and the Mercury News, and he was the summer 2021 science writing intern at Science News.

All Stories by Nikk Ogasa

  1. Climate

    A UN report says stopping climate change is possible but action is needed now

    We already have a broad array of tools to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030, a new report finds. Now we just have to use them.

  2. Climate

    Forests help reduce global warming in more ways than one

    Trees are often touted as bulwarks against climate change for their capacity to sequester carbon, but that’s just one part of the story.

  3. Planetary Science

    Diamonds may stud Mercury’s crust

    Billions of years of meteorite impacts may have flash-baked much of a primitive graphite crust into precious gemstones.

  4. Climate

    A UN report shows climate change’s escalating toll on people and nature

    The latest United Nations' IPCC climate change report underscores the urgent need for action to avoid the worst consequences of global warming.

  5. Astronomy

    A rare collision of dead stars can bring a new one to life

    These carbon- and oxygen-covered stars may have formed from an unusual merging of two white dwarfs.

  6. Planetary Science

    These are the first visible-light images of Venus’ surface captured from space

    Cameras aboard NASA’s Parker Solar Probe managed to peer through Venus’ thick clouds to photograph the planet’s surface.

  7. Animals

    Vinegar eels can synchronize swim

    Swarming, swimming nematodes can move together like fish and also synchronize their wiggling — an ability rare in the animal kingdom.

  8. Artificial Intelligence

    How AI can identify people even in anonymized datasets

    A neural network identified a majority of anonymous mobile phone service subscribers using details about their weekly social interactions.

  9. Earth

    Volcanic avalanches of rock and gas may be more destructive than previously thought

    Pressures within pyroclastic flows may be as much as three times as great as observations had suggested.

  10. Planetary Science

    Organic molecules in an ancient Mars meteorite formed via geology, not alien life

    Analysis of an ancient Martian meteorite reveals that organic molecules within it were formed by geologic processes rather than alien life.

  11. Climate

    Rice feeds half the world. Climate change’s droughts and floods put it at risk

    Rice provides sustenance for billions who have no alternative, and climate change threatens to slash production. Growers will need to innovate to provide an important crop as climate whiplash brings drought and floods to fields worldwide.

  12. Chemistry

    A pinch of saturated fat could make tempering chocolate a breeze

    Adding a small amount of fatty molecules to cocoa butter could simplify the labor-intensive tempering process to create melt-in-your-mouth chocolate.