Nathan Seppa

Biomedical Writer (retired September 2015)

All Stories by Nathan Seppa

  1. Health & Medicine

    Antibodies fight Ebola virus in mouse test

    Specially designed antibodies can thwart Ebola virus in mice by binding to a glycoprotein on the surface of virus-infected cells, suggesting a potential treatment for the lethal disease.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Stroke Stopper: New vaccine curbs blood vessel damage in lab animals

    A vaccine that desensitizes the immune system to a protein inside blood vessels prevents some strokes in laboratory rats.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Flower Power: Corn lily compound stops cancer in mice

    A new study in mice suggests that cyclopamine, a plant derivative that causes birth defects in animals, can inhibit medulloblastoma, a brain cancer in children.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Hear, Hear

    A 14-year study of twin babies shows definitively for the first time that there's a link between middle ear infections and heredity.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Marrow Can Hide Breast Cancer Cells

    Breast cancer patients who have stray cancer cells in bone marrow are more likely to die of cancer or have a recurrence of cancer elsewhere in the body than are breast cancer patients not harboring such cells.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Pancreatic enzymes may play role in shock

    Pancreatic enzymes used for digestion may cause shock when they leach out of the small intestine and form a substance that activates white blood cells.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Budding Tastes: Higher blood pressure in newborns links to salt preference

    Babies who tolerate a salty flavor have higher blood pressure on average than their less tolerant counterparts do.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Novel diabetes strain has rapid onset

    Japanese researchers have confirmed that some patients with type 1 diabetes have a novel form of the disease that's not caused by immune cells attacking the pancreas.

  9. Health & Medicine

    New Antidote to Botulism: Drug neutralizes toxin in mouse tests

    An experimental drug disables deadly botulism toxin much better than current treatment does.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Retina Rescue: Adult stem cells form blood vessels in the eye

    Stem cells derived from bone marrow can grow into new blood vessels in the eyes of mice, suggesting a way to treat eye diseases in people.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Heart damage tied to immune reaction

    Researchers in Brazil have identified immune proteins that flood the heart tissues of many people with Chagas disease, suggesting a cause of this deadly complication of the parasitic tropical disease.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Gene might contribute to asthma risk

    Variations in a gene called ADAM33 may predispose a person to asthma.