Nathan Seppa

Biomedical Writer (retired September 2015)

All Stories by Nathan Seppa

  1. Health & Medicine

    Jarring Result: Extreme biking can hurt men’s fertility

    Men who maintain grueling mountain-bicycling programs are apt to have lower sperm counts than nonbikers are.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Enzyme Shortage May Lead to Lupus

    Without the enzyme DNase I, mice are vulnerable to symptoms of lupus, a debilitating autoimmune disease.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Protein may signal heart problems

    A protein already linked to inflammation is also a strong predictor of heart problems.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Predisposed to Trouble: Gene variants implicated in stomach cancer

    A person's risk of stomach cancer can depend on the genetics of both the individual and the bacterium Helicobacter pylori.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Virus Stopper: Vaccine could prevent most cervical cancers

    A vaccine fashioned from a protein found on human papillomavirus-16 protects women from long-term viral infections that can lead to cervical cancer.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Gene may keep breast cancer at bay

    Scientists have identified a gene that seems to protect against some common breast cancers.

  7. Health & Medicine

    New inner ear hair cells grow in rat tissue

    Using a gene known to control hair-cell growth, researchers have grown hair cells in tissue taken from newborn rats' cochleas, raising hopes that inner ear damage may someday be reversible.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Attack of the Clones: Immune cells single out melanoma tumors

    Scientists can extract immune system cells that recognize tumor cells from people with melanoma, culture the rare cells to greatly increase their number, and inject them into the patients, sometimes putting the brakes on cancer.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Immune protein may stall HIV

    People who have HIV but don't progress to AIDS make extra perforin, a protein that helps kill infected cells.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Coconspirator? Genital herpes linked to cervical cancer

    Having a genital herpes infection doubles the risk of cervical cancer among women who have human papillomavirus.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Drug combination may fight breast cancer

    Retinoic acid, when combined with a drug that reverses a process called methylation in breast tumor cells, may awaken a key cancer-fighting gene.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Hidden Effect? Hypertension risk linked to common, over-the-counter pain relievers

    Women who take ibuprofen or acetaminophen for headaches or inflammation boost their chances of developing high blood pressure.