Maria Temming

Maria Temming

Assistant Managing Editor, Science News Explores

Previously the staff writer for physical sciences at Science News, Maria Temming is the assistant managing editor at Science News Explores. She has undergraduate degrees in physics and English from Elon University and a master's degree in science writing from MIT. She has written for Scientific AmericanSky & Telescope and NOVA Next. She’s also a former Science News intern.

All Stories by Maria Temming

  1. Astronomy

    New ideas about how stars die help solve a decades-old mystery

    New ideas about stellar evolution help explain why astronomers see so many bright planetary nebulae where they ought not be.

  2. Tech

    This self-driving car could one day take you on a real road trip

    Most autonomous cars are city drivers. This one’s made for cross-country road trips.

  3. Tech

    Website privacy policies don’t say much about how they share your data

    Privacy policies don’t reveal the half of how websites share user data.

  4. Tech

    Private web browsing doesn’t mean no one is watching

    Many people misunderstand what private web browsing actually is. Web browsers’ explanations don’t help.

  5. Tech

    Why touch can be such a creepy sensation in VR

    Touch sensation in VR can go from immersive to unnerving as the feeling gets more realistic, if you can’t see the source.

  6. Materials Science

    A new plastic film glows to flag food contaminated with dangerous microbes

    Plastic patches that glow when they touch some types of bacteria could be built into food packaging to reduce the spread of foodborne illness.

  7. Tech

    The Facebook data debacle may not change internet behavior

    In the wake of the Facebook data breach, personal privacy experts say there’s little individuals can do to control their personal information online.

  8. Chemistry

    Using laser tweezers, chemists nudged two atoms to bond

    This is the first time researchers have purposefully combined two specific atoms into a molecule.

  9. Microbes

    This material uses energy from ambient light to kill hospital superbugs

    A quantum dot–powered material could help reduce the number of hospital-acquired infections, including those with drug-resistant bacteria.

  10. Tech

    A new soft bot mimics octopuses and inchworms to climb walls

    A new soft robot that scales walls could help with surveillance or building inspections.

  11. Tech

    Sheets of tiny bubbles could bring a sense of touch to virtual reality

    Shape-shifting films used in sleeves or other garments could provide tactile feedback that makes virtual realities feel more real.

  12. Materials Science

    Toxic chemicals turn a new material from porous to protective

    A new material switches from a comfortable, breathable form to a sealed-up, protective state when exposed to dangerous chemicals.