Lisa Grossman is the astronomy writer for Science News. Previously she was a news editor at New Scientist, where she ran the physical sciences section of the magazine for three years. Before that, she spent three years at New Scientist as a reporter, covering space, physics and astronomy. She has a degree in astronomy from Cornell University and a graduate certificate in science writing from UC Santa Cruz. Lisa was a finalist for the AGU David Perlman Award for Excellence in Science Journalism, and received the Institute of Physics/Science and Technology Facilities Council physics writing award and the AAS Solar Physics Division Popular Writing Award. She interned at Science News in 2009-2010.

All Stories by Lisa Grossman

  1. Astronomy

    Astronomers may have found an exomoon, and Hubble is going to check

    A distant object may be the first exomoon detected.

  2. Astronomy

    Balloons will broadcast the 2017 solar eclipse live from on high

    Astrophysicist Angela Des Jardins is coordinating the first-ever livestream of a solar eclipse filmed from balloons.

  3. Planetary Science

    New Horizons’ next target caught making a star blink

    The team behind the spacecraft that visited Pluto has seen its next quarry blocking the light from a distant star.

  4. Planetary Science

    Giant mud balls roamed the early solar system

    The first asteroids may have been great balls of mud, which would solve some puzzling features of meteorites.

  5. Planetary Science

    Here are Juno’s first close-ups of Jupiter’s Great Red Spot

    The Juno spacecraft swooped just 9,000 kilometers above Jupiter’s Great Red Spot on July 10. Here are the first pictures.

  6. Astronomy

    The most distant star ever spotted is 9 billion light-years away

    A bright blue star sends its light from two-thirds of the way across the universe, thanks to a chance alignment with a galaxy cluster.

  7. Astronomy

    Astronomers get glimpse of star 9 billion light-years away

    A bright blue star sends its light from two-thirds of the way across the universe, thanks to a chance alignment with a galaxy cluster.

  8. Planetary Science

    The moon might have had a heavy metal atmosphere with supersonic winds

    Heat from a glowing infant Earth could have vaporized the moon’s metals into an atmosphere as thick as Mars’, a new simulation shows.

  9. Tech

    Gecko-inspired robot grippers could grab hold of space junk

    Aboard a microgravity plane, NASA is testing gecko-inspired grippers that one day could help clear up space junk.

  10. Astronomy

    Satellite trio will hunt gravitational waves from space

    The European Space Agency has green-lighted the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna, expected to launch in 2034.

  11. Astronomy

    Kepler shows small exoplanets are either super-Earths or mini-Neptunes

    The final catalog from the Kepler space telescope splits Earthlike exoplanets into two groups and pinpoints 10 new rocky planets in the habitable zone.

  12. Astronomy

    Eclipse watchers catch part of the sun’s surface fleeing to space

    A serendipitous eruption during a solar eclipse showed relatively cool blobs of plasma, wrapped in a million-degree flame, streaming from the sun.