Lisa Grossman is the astronomy writer for Science News. Previously she was a news editor at New Scientist, where she ran the physical sciences section of the magazine for three years. Before that, she spent three years at New Scientist as a reporter, covering space, physics and astronomy. She has a degree in astronomy from Cornell University and a graduate certificate in science writing from UC Santa Cruz. Lisa was a finalist for the AGU David Perlman Award for Excellence in Science Journalism, and received the Institute of Physics/Science and Technology Facilities Council physics writing award and the AAS Solar Physics Division Popular Writing Award. She interned at Science News in 2009-2010.

All Stories by Lisa Grossman

  1. Planetary Science

    Astronomers have spotted a second interstellar object

    Researchers will be able to watch what appears to be an interstellar comet swoop through the solar system for about a year.

  2. Astronomy

    This may be the first known exoplanet with rain and clouds of water droplets

    For the first time, astronomers have detected water vapor and possibly signs of clouds and even rain in the air of a potentially habitable exoplanet.

  3. Space

    India lost contact with its first lunar lander just before touchdown

    Chandrayaan 2 mission officials are trying to figure out why its rover-carrying lander went silent moments before it was to reach the moon’s surface.

  4. Space

    Iron sulfide may be keeping Mercury’s core toasty and its magnetic field alive

    New estimates of how much heat Mercury’s core loses could explain why the tiny world has a long-lived magnetic field.

  5. Space

    Overnight changes in Mars’ atmosphere could solve a methane mystery

    Overnight atmospheric changes on Mars can explain why two spacecraft measure vastly different concentrations of methane.

  6. Space

    5 of Jupiter’s newly discovered moons received names in a public contest

    Astronomers first announced the discovery of the worlds in July 2018, and have now named them for goddesses and spirits of Greek and Roman mythology.

  7. Space

    For an asteroid, Ryugu has surprisingly little dust on its surface

    Ryugu lacks the dust that some other space rocks have. The near-Earth asteroid may hide the fine debris inside porous rocks or eject it into space.

  8. Space

    Astronomers just quintupled the number of known repeating fast radio bursts

    A Canadian telescope spotted eight more repeating fast radio bursts. What causes these cryptic flashes of radio waves from deep space remains unclear.

  9. Astronomy

    Stars may keep spinning fast, long into old age

    NASA’s TESS telescope has spotted an old star that spins too fast for theory to explain, suggesting that stars may have a magnetic midlife crisis.

  10. Astronomy

    TESS has found the first-ever ‘ultrahot Neptune’

    NASA’s TESS telescope has spotted a world that could be a bridge between other types of exoplanets: hot Jupiters and scorched Earths.

  11. Astronomy

    In a first, physicists re-created the sun’s spiraling solar wind in a lab

    Some of the sun’s fundamental physics have been re-created with plasma inside a vacuum chamber

  12. Astronomy

    NASA’s Chandra X-ray telescope celebrates 20 years in space

    The U.S. space agency has released new images for the Chandra X-ray Observatory’s 20th birthday.