John Travis

All Stories by John Travis

  1. Health & Medicine

    Do-It-Yourself: Virus recreated from synthetic DNA

    In an experiment with implications for bioterrorism, scientists have used poliovirus' widely known genetic sequence to synthesize that virus from DNA and other chemicals.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Dynamite discovery on nitroglycerin

    Scientists have found a long-sought enzyme that may be behind nitroglycerin's dilation of blood vessels.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Kill or Be Killed: Tumor protein offs patrolling immune cells

    Many human cancers may evade surveillance by exploiting a protein normally found on certain immune cells.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Survivors’ Benefit?

    Smallpox outbreaks throughout history may have endowed some people with genetic mutations that make them resistant to the AIDS virus.

  5. Obesity hormone tackles wound healing

    The hormone leptin, which seems to have many roles in the body including regulating fat storage, may speed the healing of wounds.

  6. Evolutionary Shocker?

    A specific protein may help plants and animals store genetic variation and release it at times of stress.

  7. Health & Medicine

    New clue stirs up lithium mystery

    Lithium and two other mood-stabilizing drugs may all work by depleting nerve cells of a chemical that the cells use to signal each other.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Boning Up

    Biologists have discovered a mechanism for communication between two types of bone cell, and they're exploring the possible bone-growth-stimulating effect of popular cholesterol-lowering drugs called statins.

  9. For geneticists, interference becomes an asset

    A new method of disrupting genes, called RNA interference, works in mouse cells.

  10. Agriculture

    Moos, microbes, and methane

    A feed additive could reduce methane emissions from cows.

  11. Ironing out underarm odor

    Chemicals that deprive bacteria of iron may improve deodorants.

  12. Bacterial genes and cell scaffolding

    A bacterium may have revealed the origin of a key cell structure.