Ivars Peterson

All Stories by Ivars Peterson

  1. Math

    Whirling to a chaotic finale

    A black hole paired with another body can succumb to chaos when they orbit each other, making it more difficult to detect gravitational waves produced by such objects.

  2. Math

    Traffic woes of the single driver

    At moderate traffic volumes, a single car moving at randomly fluctuating speeds can cause traffic jams in its wake.

  3. Math

    Spinning to a rolling stop

    Air viscosity makes the rolling speed of a spinning, tipping coin go up as its energy goes down until the coin suddenly stops.

  4. Math

    Prime Pursuit

    A novel approach for identifying prime numbers provides a long-sought improvement in the theoretical efficiency of prime-detecting algorithms.

  5. Math

    Changes of Mathematical State

    Untangling a web of conflicting demands can be tough on computers.

  6. Math

    A Fibonacci Fountain

    The year 1202 saw the publication of one of the most famous and influential books in mathematics. Widely copied and imitated, Liber abaci introduced the use of Arabic numerals and the Hindu-Arabic place-valued decimal system into Europe. It was written by Leonardo Pisano, who became better known by his nickname Fibonacci. Helaman Ferguson’s Fibonacci Fountain. […]

  7. Math

    A Fibonacci Fountain

    The year 1202 saw the publication of one of the most famous and influential books in mathematics. Widely copied and imitated, Liber abaci introduced the use of Arabic numerals and the Hindu-Arabic place-valued decimal system into Europe. It was written by Leonardo Pisano, who became better known by his nickname Fibonacci. Helaman Ferguson’s Fibonacci Fountain. […]

  8. Math

    Completing Latin Squares

    Using only the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4, arrange four sets of these numbers into a four-by-four array so that no column or row contains the same two numbers. The result is known as a Latin square. Here are two examples of Latin squares of order 4: 1 2 3 4 2 1 4 […]

  9. Physics

    Ring around the proton

    An orbiting electron accelerated to relativistic velocities by a laser in a strong magnetic field can behave like a ring-shaped electron cloud spinning around the nucleus.

  10. Physics

    Writing with warm atoms

    Researchers demonstrated that they can use a scanning tunneling microscope to position atoms in microscopic patterns at room temperature.

  11. Math

    Catching Flies

    Archerfish and baseball outfielders appear to use different strategies to snag a projectile. Archerfish (Toxotes jaculatrix) are famous for their unusual way of hunting insect prey. Upon spying an insect on a twig or a piece of foliage hanging above the water surface, the fish shoots it down using a strong, accurately aimed jet of […]

  12. Humans

    Nobel prizes honor innovative approaches

    The 2002 Nobel prizes pay tribute to an international sampling of scientists who developed powerful new techniques for expanding the horizons of research.