Erin Wayman

Erin Wayman

Managing Editor, Print and Longform

Erin Wayman is Science News’ managing editor for print and longform. She previously served as the production editor and reported on earth and environmental sciences for the magazine. A former primatologist-in-training, Erin decided to leave monkey-watching behind after a close run-in with angry peccaries in Ecuador. Once she completed her master’s degree in biological anthropology at the University of California, Davis, she switched careers and earned a master’s in science writing at Johns Hopkins University. Erin was previously an associate editor at EARTH and an assistant editor at Smithsonian magazine, where she blogged about human evolution. Her work has also appeared in New Scientist, Slate, ScienceNOW and Current Anthropology.

All Stories by Erin Wayman

  1. Earth

    Exhibit lays out principles for disaster-resistant structures

    The National Building Museum’s ‘Designing for Disaster’ exhibit showcases the science and engineering of making disaster-resistant infrastructure.

  2. Earth

    ‘Mass Extinction’ vivifies the science of die-offs

    The dinosaurs were killed off some 65 million years ago after a colossal asteroid struck Earth. But what many people probably don’t know is how paleontologists came to that conclusion. "Mass Extinction: Life at the Brink" tells that story.

  3. Earth

    ‘Tambora’ links volcano to the ‘year without a summer’

    Author Gillen D’arcy Wood links the volcano to historical changes in art, opium, cholera and more.

  4. Earth

    Seismic signals chronicle deadly landslide

    Washington state’s deadly Oso landslide was recorded in seismic waves.

  5. Life

    The Monkey’s Voyage

    By 26 million years ago, the ancestors of today’s New World monkeys had arrived in South America. How those primates reached the continent is something of a conundrum.

  6. Planetary Science

    Year in Review: Methane shortage on Mars

    A trace of the gas is not enough to be a sign of life.

  7. Climate

    Year in Review: Carbon dioxide levels pass milestone

    Although scientists are confident about humankind’s role in climate change, they still have a lot to learn about the magnitude and timing of future climate shifts.

  8. Earth


    An ice volcano that erupts slurries of volatile compounds such as water or methane instead of lava.

  9. Humans

    The Accidental Species

    Misunderstandings of Human Evolution by Henry Gee.

  10. Humans

    The last common ancestor of humans and chimps probably wasn’t much like either

  11. Climate

    Slashing greenhouse gas emissions could save millions of lives

    Simulations suggest reduced air pollution would improve public health.

  12. Environment

    Cool Idea

    While nations concede a pressing need for attacking carbon dioxide emissions, other pollutants offer quicker paybacks.