Erin Wayman

Erin Wayman

Managing Editor, Print and Longform

Erin Wayman is Science News’ managing editor for print and longform. She previously served as the production editor and reported on earth and environmental sciences for the magazine. A former primatologist-in-training, Erin decided to leave monkey-watching behind after a close run-in with angry peccaries in Ecuador. Once she completed her master’s degree in biological anthropology at the University of California, Davis, she switched careers and earned a master’s in science writing at Johns Hopkins University. Erin was previously an associate editor at EARTH and an assistant editor at Smithsonian magazine, where she blogged about human evolution. Her work has also appeared in New Scientist, Slate, ScienceNOW and Current Anthropology.

All Stories by Erin Wayman

  1. Humans

    Africans’ genes mute on human birthplace

    Latest DNA studies confirm previous research on the prehistory of African groups, but still can’t locate the root of the species.

  2. Planetary Science

    Mars clays may have volcanic source

    Deposits didn’t need flowing water to form, new research suggests.

  3. Creating small wonders

    Cell biologist and inventor Gary Greenberg’s career took a turn about 10 years ago when his brother sent him a canister of beach sand. Greenberg placed a pinch under a light microscope. Magnified hundreds of times, the colorful, intricate sand grains resembled beads from a necklace. “I was just blown away. I couldn’t believe that […]

  4. Life

    Egg wars

    Birds engage in evolutionary arms race.