Physics writer Emily Conover joined Science News in 2016. She has a Ph.D. in physics from the University of Chicago, where she studied the weird ways of neutrinos, tiny elementary particles that can zip straight through the Earth. She got her first taste of science writing as a AAAS Mass Media Fellow for the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. She has previously written for Science Magazine and the American Physical Society. She is a two-time winner of the D.C. Science Writers’ Association Newsbrief award.

All Stories by Emily Conover

  1. Physics

    Physicists find atomic nucleus with a ‘bubble’ in the middle

    Silicon-34 has an unusually small number of protons in its center.

  2. Tech

    How to read a book without opening it

    New technique allows scientists to read the pages of an ancient text without opening the book.

  3. Particle Physics

    KATRIN experiment readies for quest to find neutrino’s mass

    The Karlsruhe Tritium Neutrino experiment, or KATRIN, has begun taking test data in its effort to measure the mass of neutrinos.

  4. Physics

    Nobel awarded for using math of shapes to explain exotic matter

    The three scientists who won the 2016 Nobel Prize in physics predicted new materials using mathematics illustrated by bagels and pretzels.

  5. Particle Physics

    Evidence for new form of matter-antimatter asymmetry observed

    Particles known as baryons show their first hints of antimatter-matter discrepancies.

  6. Physics

    Rarest nucleus reluctant to decay

    Tantalum-180m has a half-life more than a million times the age of the universe.

  7. Cosmology

    After Big Bang, shock waves rocked newborn universe

    Shock waves in the early universe could explain the generation of magnetic fields and the predominance of matter over antimatter.

  8. Tech

    Wi-Fi can help house distinguish between members

    Using Wi-Fi, computers could one day identify individual family members in a smart home.

  9. Computing

    Shayan Oveis Gharan finds the shortest route to success

    Theoretical computer scientist Shayan Oveis Gharan has identified connections between unrelated fields to tackle the traveling salesman problem.

  10. Quantum Physics

    Taming photons, electrons paves way for quantum internet

    Scientists are gearing up to create supersecure global quantum networks.

  11. Particle Physics

    Supersymmetry’s absence at LHC puzzles physicists

    Accelerator experiments find no evidence to support popular particle physics theory known as supersymmetry.

  12. Planetary Science

    Juno transmits first intimate snapshots of Jupiter

    Hurricane-like clouds spiral over Jupiter’s poles, new photos taken by NASA’s Juno spacecraft reveal.