Physics writer Emily Conover joined Science News in 2016. She has a Ph.D. in physics from the University of Chicago, where she studied the weird ways of neutrinos, tiny elementary particles that can zip straight through the Earth. She got her first taste of science writing as a AAAS Mass Media Fellow for the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. She has previously written for Science Magazine and the American Physical Society. She is a two-time winner of the D.C. Science Writers’ Association Newsbrief award.

All Stories by Emily Conover

  1. Physics

    Physicists explain the mesmerizing movements of raindrops on car windshields

    Wind and gravity compete to make some raindrops go up while others slide down, a mathematical analysis suggests.

  2. Physics

    Russia’s war in Ukraine raises nuclear risks, physicists warn

    Experts flag the potential for accidents at seized nuclear sites as well as the increased dangers of accidental nuclear warfare.

  3. Astronomy

    Astronomers may not have found a sign of the universe’s first stars after all

    A new study of radio waves from early in the universe’s history finds no hint of the “cosmic dawn” claimed by an earlier study.

  4. Earth

    Weird ‘superionic’ matter could make up Earth’s inner core

    Computer simulations suggest that matter that behaves like a mash-up of solid and liquid could explain oddities of Earth’s center.

  5. Quantum Physics

    The quantum ‘boomerang’ effect has been seen for the first time

    Jostled particles return to their starting points in certain materials, an experiment reveals, confirming theoretical predictions.

  6. Physics

    An ‘everlasting’ bubble endured more than a year without popping

    One of the bubbles, made with water, glycerol and microparticles, lasted 465 days before popping.

  7. Space

    50 years ago, NASA’s space shuttle program got the green light

    For over 30 years, space shuttles helped revolutionize science. Now, NASA is tackling new frontiers with help from commercial spaceflight companies.

  8. Astronomy

    An early outburst portends a star’s imminent death

    An eruption before a stellar explosion was the first early warning sign for a standard type of supernova.

  9. Quantum Physics

    Quantum particles can feel the influence of gravitational fields they never touch

    A quantum phenomenon predicted in 1959, the Aharonov-Bohm effect, also applies to gravity.

  10. Physics

    Antiprotons show no hint of unexpected matter-antimatter differences

    The ratio of electric charge to mass for protons mirrors that of their antimatter counterparts.

  11. Quantum Physics

    Quantum physics requires imaginary numbers to explain reality

    Quantum theory based only on real numbers fails to explain the results of two new experiments.

  12. Astronomy

    The only known pulsar duo sheds new light on general relativity and more

    Einstein was right, among other insights gleaned from watching a one-of-a-kind system of two pulsating dead stars for 16 years.