Cassie Martin is a deputy managing editor at Science News. She has a bachelor's degree in molecular genetics from Michigan State University, and a master's degree in science journalism from Boston University.

All Stories by Cassie Martin

  1. Animals

    This glass frog wears its heart for all to see

    A newly discovered glass frog species has skin so clear that it reveals most of the animal’s internal organs, including the heart.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Bones make hormones that communicate with the brain and other organs

    Bones send out hormone signals that chat with other parts of the body, studies in mice show. What influence these hormones have in people, though, remain a mystery.

  3. Health & Medicine

    In 1967, researchers saw the light in jaundice treatment

    Researchers discovered how to use light to treat babies with jaundice 50 years ago. But questions remain about the technique’s effectiveness in some cases.

  4. Animals

    50 years ago, U.S. fell short on mosquito eradication

    Researchers boldly predicted mosquitoes’ demise 50 years ago. They never came close.

  5. Health & Medicine

    50 years ago, contraception options focused on women

    Women have more birth control choices than they did 50 years ago. The same can’t be said for men.

  6. Ecosystems

    Invasive species, climate change threaten Great Lakes

    In The Death and Life of the Great Lakes, a journalist chronicles the lakes’ downward spiral and slow revival.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Cold plasma puts the chill on norovirus

    A new device uses cold plasma to kill foodborne pathogens.

  8. Materials Science

    Germanium computer chips gain ground on silicon — again

    Having pushed silicon to its limit, engineers are turning back to germanium.

  9. Animals

    Dragonfish opens wide with flex neck joint

    New study reveals anatomical secrets of mysterious deep ocean fish.

  10. Paleontology

    Ancient oddball invertebrate finds its place on the tree of life

    Ancient marine invertebrates called hyoliths may be more closely related to modern horseshoe worms than mollusks, a fossil analysis finds.

  11. Astronomy

    These 2016 stories could be really big — if they’re true

    These findings would have rocked the scientific world, if only the evidence were more convincing.

  12. Animals

    Tales of creatures large and small made news this year

    Scientists filled in the details of some famous evolutionary tales in 2016 — and discovered a few surprises about creatures large and small.