Carolyn is the Earth & Climate writer at Science News. Previously she worked at Science magazine for six years, both as a reporter covering paleontology and polar science and as the editor of the news in brief section. Before that she was a reporter and editor at EARTH magazine. She has bachelor’s degrees in Geology and European History and a Ph.D. in marine geochemistry from MIT and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. She’s also a former Science News intern.

All Stories by Carolyn Gramling

  1. Oceans

    Sunlight helps clean up oil spills in the ocean more than previously thought

    Solar radiation dissolved as much as 17 percent of the surface oil slick spilled after the 2010 Deepwater Horizon explosion, a new study suggests.

  2. Paleontology

    Fossils reveal that pterosaurs puked pellets

    Fish scale–filled pellets found by two pterosaurs are the first fossil evidence the flying reptiles regurgitated undigestible food, like some modern birds.

  3. Climate

    Satellites have located the world’s methane ‘ultra-emitters’

    Plugging leaks from methane ultra-emitters would make a dent in greenhouse gas emissions — and be cost-effective for those countries, scientists say.

  4. Oceans

    The past’s extreme ocean heat waves are now the new normal

    Marine heat waves that were rare more than a century ago now routinely occur in more than half of global ocean, suggesting we’ve hit a “point of no return.”

  5. Planetary Science

    Machine learning points to prime places in Antarctica to find meteorites

    Using data on how ice moves across Antarctica, researchers identified more than 600 spots where space rocks may gather on the southern continent.

  6. Earth

    What the Tonga volcano’s past tells us about what to expect next

    The January 15 eruption of a Tongan volcano triggered atmospheric shock waves and a rare volcanic tsunami; its history suggests it may not be done.

  7. Climate

    Intense drought or flash floods can shock the global economy

    Rainfall extremes have powerful impacts on the global economy, affecting the manufacturing and services sectors more than agriculture.

  8. Climate

    Climate change communication should focus less on specific numbers

    Even if nations don’t meet goals to curb global climate change, any progress is better than none.

  9. Paleontology

    See stunning fossils of insects, fish and plants from an ancient Australian forest

    Thousands of fossils at an Australian site show a rare glimpse into the continent’s wetter history over 11 million years ago.

  10. Climate

    Africa’s ‘Great Green Wall’ could have far-reaching climate effects

    The “Great Green Wall,” a tree-planting project to stop desertification in northern Africa, could alter climate patterns in the region and beyond.

  11. Climate

    How electric vehicles offered hope as climate challenges grew

    Amid daunting climate change challenges, electric vehicles swerved into the spotlight this year.

  12. Climate

    Antarctica’s Thwaites Glacier ice shelf could collapse within five years

    The loss of Thwaites’ buttressing ice shelf could hasten the demise of the “Doomsday Glacier” and raise the risk of dramatic sea level rise.