Bruce Bower

Bruce Bower

Behavioral Sciences Writer

Bruce Bower has written about the behavioral sciences since 1984. He often writes about psychology, anthropology, archaeology and mental health issues. Bruce has a master's degree in psychology from Pepperdine University and a master's degree in journalism from the University of Missouri. Following an internship at Science News in 1981, he worked as a reporter at Psychiatric News, a publication of the American Psychiatric Association, until joining Science News as a staff writer. In 1996, the American Psychological Association appointed Bruce a Science Writer Fellow, with a grant to visit psychological scientists of his own choosing. Early stints as an aide in a day school for children and teenagers with severe psychological problems and as a counselor in a drug diversion center provided Bruce with a surprisingly good background for a career in science journalism.

All Stories by Bruce Bower

  1. Humans

    Ancient human DNA suggests minimal interbreeding

    Genetic analysis indicates Stone Age people mated infrequently with Neandertals and other close relatives.

  2. Animals

    Claims of fairness in apes have critics crying foul

    A report that chimps divvy up rewards much as people do draws criticism.

  3. Humans

    Wrist bones said to distinguish hobbits

    New fossils enter the debate over tiny humanlike species that lived in Indonesia.

  4. Humans

    Language learning may begin before birth

    Newborns show signs of having tracked moms’ speech while still in the womb.

  5. Maya apocalypse goes boom

    World doesn’t end, ancient astronomy gets a boost.

  6. Avant-garde cave art

    Paintings and animation date way back.

  7. Kissing, and missing, human cousins

    DNA paints a contested picture of Stone Age interbreeding.

  8. Humans

    Pots bear oldest signs of cheese making

    Some of Europe’s first farmers created perforated vessels to separate curds from whey.

  9. Humans

    Lines in the sand may have been made for walking

    The ancient Nazca culture’s celebrated desert drawings include a labyrinth meant to be strolled, not seen.

  10. Humans

    Help Wanted: Must play well with high-powered coworkers

    Leisure activities make or break job applicants at major banking, legal and consulting outfits.

  11. Families in Flux

    As household arrangements take new directions, scientists attempt to sort out the social effects.

  12. Psychology

    Highlights from the Psychonomic Society annual meeting

    Summaries from the conference held November 15-18 in Minneapolis.