Ben Harder

All Stories by Ben Harder

  1. Earth

    Extracting Estrogens: Modern treatment plants strip hormone from sewage

    New research helps explain why state-of-the-art sewage treatment facilities are more effective than conventional plants at removing certain sex hormones from sludge.

  2. Astronomy

    Taking the Crab’s pulse

    Simultaneous recordings of a pulsar's radio emissions and its visible beam shed new light on the seemingly chaotic variations in the intensities of those emissions.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Promising drug cuts tumor metabolism

    Early safety trials of an experimental medicine suggest that it could be used for treating several serious cancers.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Immune test predicts tolerance for radiation

    A new blood test can foretell which cancer patients are likely to suffer serious delayed side effects from radiation therapy.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Genes linked to colon cancer take sides

    Cancers on opposite sides of the colon are genetically distinct and should be studied and treated as separate entities.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Herbal therapy may carry cancer danger

    An herbal extract that some women use to relieve symptoms of menopause increases the likelihood in mice with breast cancer that the disease will spread.

  7. Earth

    Catch Zero

    It generally has taken less than a generation for modern, industrial-scale fishing, once deployed in a new plot of ocean, to exhaust the vast majority of the sea’s edible bounty and leave behind decimated ecosystems and depleted economic opportunities.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Split Ends: Cancers follow shrinkage of chromosomes’ tips

    Genetic tabs called telomeres, which normally protect the ends of chromosomes, become undersized in many tissues that later turn cancerous, new studies in people show.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Viral protein could help liver therapy

    Researchers have developed a method of delivering gene therapies to targeted cells that makes use of viral proteins rather than whole virus particles.

  10. Earth

    More Than a Miner Problem: Asbestos exposure is prevalent in mining community

    A new study of the residents of Libby, Mont., confirms that even people who don't work with asbestos can have lung abnormalities caused by the mineral.

  11. Earth

    Antimosquito coils release toxic fumes

    Researchers have measured several pollutants in smoke emitted from so-called mosquito coils, which people burn at night to fend off insects.

  12. Earth

    Suspended Drugs: Antibiotics fed to animals drift in air

    Borne on dust floating in and around farm buildings, antibiotics given to animals may later be inhaled by people—with possibly detrimental health effects.