Ben Harder

All Stories by Ben Harder

  1. Animals

    A tale of new whiskers

    A newly discovered, featherweight tree mouse with an unexpected evolutionary past has survived widespread habitat destruction on the Philippine island of Luzon.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Narcolepsy Science Reawakens

    Recent advances in understanding the biological underpinnings of narcolepsy have created a new diagnostic tool and point toward possible future therapies.

  3. Humans

    Young Talent on Display: Tomorrow’s scientists and engineers win recognition, rewards

    The three top winners of the 2004 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair hail from high schools on different continents.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Herbal erection pills may be spiked

    Some pills marketed as herbal remedies for erectile dysfunction contain drugs that should be available only by prescription.

  5. Humans

    Plan B ruling is prescription for controversy

    Contravening a recent recommendation from one of its advisory panels, the Food and Drug Administration denied an application to make the emergency contraceptive known as Plan B available without a doctor's prescription.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Nanoparticles could mark spots for surgery

    A new molecule studded with magnetically active ions may soon help surgeons extract, with minimal cutting, lymph nodes likely to harbor cancer.

  7. Earth

    Boats puff up outdoor carbon monoxide risk

    Large congregations of motorboats can produce enough carbon monoxide gas in open air to be hazardous to people.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Delaying Dementia

    The limited success of attempts to treat Alzheimer's disease with several compounds that appear able to prevent the disorder suggests that the window for derailing the development of the illness may close years before cognitive decline becomes evident.

  9. Humans

    Mouse Mourned: Yoda dies at age 4

    An age-defying laboratory mouse known as Yoda died peacefully in his cage in Ann Arbor, Mich., on April 22, at the age of 4 years and 12 days.

  10. Earth

    Harm from Plastic Additive Challenged: Early exposure shows no ill effects

    Presumed exposure shortly after birth to a chemical ingredient in plastics shows no evidence of disrupting development in people, according to a small study of teens who, as newborns, received intensive medical care involving plastic hospital equipment.

  11. Earth

    Sea Change: Ocean report urges new policies

    To combat environmental degradation and encourage sustainable use of resources off the nation's shores, the U.S. government needs to double its investment in marine research, integrate management of coastal and inland ecosystems, restructure agencies that influence the oceans' health and productivity, and take other far-reaching steps, according to a commission created by Congress.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Gene ups oral-cancer risk for drinkers who smoke

    People who have a particular variant of a single gene are at a disproportionate risk of oral cancer if they both smoke and drink.