Ben Harder

All Stories by Ben Harder

  1. Health & Medicine

    Swallowed a Fly: Insects may spread foodborne microbe to chickens

    Flies sucked through the ventilation ports of industrial chicken coops may spread the pathogen Campylobacter jejuni, which can ultimately sicken people who eat undercooked chicken.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Computers read mammograms to detect breast cancer

    Mammogram–scanning computers can help radiologists detect breast cancers that would otherwise escape diagnosis.

  3. Ecosystems

    Fish Stew: Species interplay makes fisheries management tricky in the long run

    Annual fluctuations in certain fish populations can be best understood and controlled by accounting for ecological factors, such as predation by other fish, in addition to fisheries harvests.

  4. Humans

    EPA to fine DuPont over ingredient in Teflon

    The Environmental Protection Agency says it may levy a fine surpassing $300 million against DuPont for concealing evidence that it was contaminating the environment with perfluorooctanoic acid.

  5. Earth

    Dangerous Dust? Chemicals in plastics are tied to allergies

    Elevated risks for developing multiple allergies, including asthma, eczema, and rhinitis, appear to be associated with household exposure to synthetic chemicals called phthalates.

  6. Health & Medicine

    New cholesterol guidelines advise more treatment

    Citing results from five recent trials of anticholesterol statin drugs, U.S. health officials recommend that physicians use the drugs to treat many more patients with high cholesterol.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Four die of rabies in transplanted tissues

    Four people who received tissue transplanted from a man who had died from an undiagnosed rabies infection have since themselves died from the same incurable neurological disease.

  8. Earth

    Just a Tad Is Too Much: Less is worse for tadpoles exposed to chemicals

    The herbicide atrazine is more likely to kill developing amphibians when it is highly diluted than when it's much more concentrated in aquatic environments.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Before the Booze: Cactus extract dulls hangovers

    An inflammation-fighting plant extract, taken hours before consuming alcohol, appears to suppress some of the symptoms brought on by a bout of heavy drinking.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Celiac disease affects kids’ minds

    Attention deficits and learning disabilities have joined the list of neurological problems associated with the intestinal disorder known as celiac disease.

  11. When Protein Breakdown Breaks Down: Bacterial toxin yields signs of Parkinson’s

    Certain compounds that hinder cells from destroying waste proteins can produce symptoms of Parkinson's disease in rats.

  12. Earth

    Cost of protecting the oceans

    Operating an extensive global network of marine parks in which fishing and habitat-stressing activities are restricted would probably be more affordable for governments than continuing to subsidize struggling fisheries at current levels.