Andrew Grant

All Stories by Andrew Grant

  1. Space

    Making the most of zero gravity

    Astronaut and author Chris Hadfield discusses life in, and after, space.

  2. Astronomy

    High-energy neutrinos ensnared from beyond the solar system

    Speedy particles detected in Antarctica may point to gargantuan black holes or cataclysmic explosions.

  3. Planetary Science

    Ancient Martian meteorite preserves chunks of planet’s early crust

    Rock could reveal what Mars was like 4.4 billion years ago.

  4. Astronomy

    Solar explosion forms ‘Canyon of Fire’

    Just when the sun was looking especially lethargic, a violent eruption left behind a vast chasm of superheated gas on the solar surface.

  5. Physics

    Single photon detected but not destroyed

    Researchers build first instrument that can witness the passage of a light particle without absorbing it.

  6. Physics

    Single atoms hold on to information

    Minutes-long data storage by individual atoms beats previous record of tiny fraction of a second.

  7. Planetary Science

    Meteor explosions like this year’s Russian fireball more common than thought

    Chelyabinsk-sized rocks may come to Earth every 30 years, on average.

  8. Astronomy

    Billions and billions of Earth-sized planets call Milky Way home

    Using Kepler data, astronomers estimate that a sizeable fraction of the galaxy’s sunlike stars have Earth-sized planets that could support liquid water.

  9. Astronomy

    Astronomers explain planets’ backward motion

    Giant planets in distant orbits may be reversing the direction of their closer-in neighbors.

  10. Cosmology

    Candidates for dark matter particles bite the dust

    Most sensitive experiment yet determines that earlier findings were just artifacts.

  11. Cosmology

    My Brief History

    by Stephen Hawking.

  12. Quantum Physics

    Single electron caught in action

    Researchers have found a way to isolate the behavior of one particle.